Aug 24, 2007 17:06

Okay. Someone, please, tell me this did not just happen.

I did NOT just fall asleep at my desk AT WORK and wake up with keyboard prints on my face from a dream wherein I was living with and fucking like a crazed weasel . . . .


And that my dream self was totally avoiding him because he was so good in the sack that I knew I wouldn't be able to get Sam and Dean to hook up . . . which for some reason was part of my job description?

Although why Christian Kane would be running around in my dream trying to catch me and seduce me with a sword, I have no idea.

I hate my subconscious.

I would totally do the *headdesk* thing except that I'm pretty sure that's how I got myself into this situation in the first place.

In an amusing aside, just how cool is it that we had a Hurricane Dean?

My world's-coolest-supervisor said that it would be like having Evil!Dean around, and I said, without even thinking about it, "That's okay, that's what chains and ball gags were invented for."

And then I crawled under my desk to hide for a while.

Clearly, I need to get laid.

dreams, work

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