Feb 27, 2012 17:35
And I love them all.
So I went to Coventry to see D and T. Originally the aim was to get there for 8 because that would be when O was going to get there, but there was a change of plan when it was realised the rugby would be on the telly. I made it in time for the second half, and both the fun and the drinking (and the chaos) began.
First of all it was England v Wales, and since O is Welsh and T is from England, there was great volume and excitement. Once J arrive (at D and T's house) we walked back. Being as he got bored he decided to send a text message claiming D and T's neighbours had called the police and he'd nearly been arrested. We fell for said prank text, and would still have been convinced had he not owned up to it.
Much chatter and music, and terrible singing, followed, along with far too much booze. The obvious ensued (why am I always the one it ensues at/for/to/whichever preposition actually applies), so at stupid o'clock in the a.m., my sleeping bag and my jeans were put into the washing machine and I was draped in a sleeping bag. Attempts were made to clean up the carpet (red wine and white carpet is a terrible, terrible mixture), I passed out gratefully.
The next morning, the extent of the damage was tallied up:
1 - We had apparently endeavoured to clean the carpet with both Vanish (clothes) stain remover and Vanish carpet cleaner. Amazingly, this hadn't ruined the carpet. Vanish carpet cleaner is awesome and actually cleans carpets well.
2 - I had forgotten I had left my train tickets in my jeans pockets. They were merely illegible rather than ruined.
3 - I had forgotten that I'd left my phone in my jeans pocket. It took on a lot of water and is presently being dried in a jug full of rice. Thankfully, I have a spare phone and the sim card is fine.
4 - I looked enough like death that the cat kept prodding me. I'm not sure if it was being very kindly or checking if I was ready for eating.
5 - I had no clothes other than my pyjamas. For large chunks of the day it looked like I was going to be travelling home in my jim-jams. Thankfully, due to the power of the central heating my jeans were wearable in time for me to use them.
Pretty much everyone else was in a similar state of disrepair, but we managed to mostly amuse ourselves, including a watching of 'Equilibrium', and T revealing she'd had a dream where she hadn't been able to find clothes and was stuck with nothing but pyjamas. After demanding at the world at large that I be allowed to wake up from my own version of said dream, I also asked if she had any prophetic dreams about say, Birmingham Univ. exploding into a fireball, she was to contact me immediately.
We also discussed our plans for Sunday night, which mostly consisted of getting food in and preparing lunch for the rest of the week. I think J spoke for all of us when he said 'being a grown up is no fun'.
So, for one weekend, or at least half of it, I enjoyed pretending I wasn't one. I miss my uni days.