Credit goes to:
bookworm_e because she's awesome like that!
LVL: 100
ATTACKS: Ember, Tail Whip, Roar, Fire Spin, Confuse Ray, Imprison, Flame Burst, Will-o-Wisp, Payback, Flamethrower, Captivate
STATUS: Scared the hell out of her trainer. At first, she didn't like Lucifer and was afraid of her, but now she adores her trainer. She behaves calmly, still afraid that Lucifer will do something to her, but when nobody is watching she likes to play and be cuddled by her. She was her starter and Lucifer adores her since then.
LVL: 100
ATTACKS: Scratch, Foresight, Defense Curl, Quick Attack, Fury Swipes, Helping Hand, Follow me, Slam, Rest, Sucker Punch, Amnesia, Baton Pass, Me first, Hyper Voice
STATUS: Attention whore. She adores being the center of the world and all the cuddles must go for her. For that, when she's out she likes to spend her time doing cute things so Lucifer or anyone will hug her. Since she was a Senret she was like that, and Lucifer only made it worse with her weakness for cute things.
LVL: 97
ATTACKS: Bite, Roar, Ember, Leer, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Flame Wheel, Reversal, Fire Fang, Flame Burst, Take down, Flamethrower, Agility, Cruch, Retalation, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz.
STATUS: Butler of the party. Ronove is such a pokebutler! He is always helping Lucifer with anything and carrying things so her trainer won't have to do it. He is polite and respects a lot of people (Not like the demon that he shares the name with coff.) but she loves him to death. Kisa gave her the egg in exchange of the Ekans and she's really happy for it.
LVL: 97
ATTACKS: Tackle, Growl, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Coton Spore, Charge, Thunderpunch, Elecball, Cotton Guard, Discharge, Signal Beam, Light Screen, Power Gem, Thunder
STATUS: Dominatrix. Gaap is the kind of pokemon that likes to make everyone, included her trainer, obey her. If she had a whip, all the team would have been whipped so badly. In battle, she likes to destroy her opponent completly, and secretly she likes to be cuddled. That's why she hadn't punched her trainer yet. A bit tsundere.
LVL: 83
ATTACKS: Rage, Bite, Leer, Focus Energy, Ember, Protect, Dragonbreath, Zen Headbutt, Scary Face, Fly, Crunch, Dragon Claw
STATUS: Cute dragon. As his name represents, Keiichi likes to spend time with Lucifer and rest his head in her chest. Or see under her skirt. He's a bit possesive about his trainer because he's a baby, but it's because he adores her. Named after her boyfriend because she will be far away from him for a long time.
LVL: 70
ATTACKS: Warp, Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister, Dragon Rage, Slam, Agility, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Wing Attack, Fly
STATUS: Narcissist. She's the most adorable, self-centered dragonite ever. It's very loyal to Lucifer and Ventus gave it to her for San Valentine. He's so adorable! Named after one of her Masters!
LVL: 60
ATTACKS: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand-Attack, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Faint Attack
STATUS: Adorable derp! Kaze is such adorable and fluffy and Lucifer adores her. She likes to cuddle her all the time because she makes the most cute noises ever. Ven gave this one to Lucifer because he's awesome and she decided to name her after him in Japanese.
LVL: 60
ATTACKS: Growl, Bide, Quick Attack, Charm, Spark, Endure, Swift, Electro Ball, Sweet Kiss, Thunder Wave, Super Fang
STATUS: Fluffy thing. Marisa loves to be cuddled everyday and shock people who are mean. She's a bit of a crybaby because she wants her Mama for herself. Cute pokemons are cute. Named after Maria but with a sightly change of the name so she won't get confused.
LVL: 60
ATTACKS: Scratch, Defense Curl, Sand Attack, Poison Sting,
Rapid Spin, Swift, Fury Swipes, Rollout, Crush Claw, Fury Cutter, Sand Tomb,
Slash, Gyro Ball, Sandstorm + Earth Power
STATUS: Mammon's pokemon. Lucifer woke up with her in the team when Mammon left Johto and now Lucifer's going to train her a lot instead of her last trainer. It's the memory and proof that Mammon was here...
LVL: 95
ATTACKS: Sing, Charm, Defense Curl, Pound, Sweet Kiss, Copycat, Sing, Rollout, Doubleslap, Rest, Body Slam, Gyro Ball, Wake-up Slap, Mimic, Hyper Voice, Double-edge
STATUS: Haseo's starter. Again, another close person of her disappeared from this world and left her with one of this pokemons. Lucifer really cares for Atoli and will do her best to keep her happy despite Haseo is not longer here.
LVL: 70
ATTACKS: Mud Sport, Tackle, Harden, Bind, Screech, Rock Throw, Rage, Rock Tomb, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Smack Down, *Rock Smash, *Strength, Sandstorm, Autotomize, Slam, Stealth Rock, Dragon Breath, Curse, Iron Tail, Crunch, Double Edge
STATUS: Squalo's pokemon. She received this one when Squalo left this world. He wants to become stronger and stronger for the sake of his trainer, and somewhat he has become a bully, but he has no luck since he ended in Lucifer's team. She cares for this one too since it was Squalo's pokemons.
LVL: 74
ATTACKS:Hydro Pump, Leer, Bite, Rage, Focus Energy, Scary Face, Ice Fang, Screech, Swagger, Assurance, Crunch, Feint, Slash, Aqua Jet, Taunt, Agility, Skull Bash, Night Slash, Surf
STATUS: Squalo's pokemon. Lucifer really cares for this one a lot since it reminds her of Squalo now that he's gone. She's not a bully or anything mean. In fact, she's pretty nice and cheerful, and she's a bit sad that Squalo is not longer here.
LVL: 15
ATTACKS: Pound, Bubble, Growl, Water Sport, Peck
STATUS: Everstone. Lucifer adores her because she's cute, but she doesn't want her to evolve. So that means she will train her to be the cutest Piplup ever. She bought this egg to Layton.
LVL: 15
ATTACKS: Peck, Growl, Astonish, Sing, Fury Attack
STATUS: Dragon Pride. Lucifer wants more Dragon-Types, so she buy this egg to Cecil. She's really nice and Lucifer likes her attitude towards her training.
Last Updated: 11/23
Badges Won: Falkner's, Whitney's, Mahogany's, Cianwood's