Addendum to 'Dinner out in Vancouver'

May 15, 2011 18:15

For those who missed it the first time around, you'll need to at least be familiar with it:

Before I move on to the next part of the story, I need to add a bit of background information for the first one. I was driving back into Canada from the US after my lengthy time away (SDO and then the trip with my family to Costa Rica). nagekinoki had asked people well in advance to help him bring back wine to Canada from his stash in the States. I wasn't able to because I was going to Costa Rica right after the tournament. I felt bad, and as I got to the Canada/US border, I had an idea. I could at least get James some booze from the duty-free shop at the border! After several calls to him, we decided on some kind of whiskey that was roughly $100. When I got to his place, he told me he'd pay me back for it, but I said no, he wasn't allowed. Fast forward to Hapa Izakaya, where James took the bill. While I was unhappy at James paying, I kept in mind that he wasn't paying for the whiskey, so it didn't faze me too much.

So then, on to the next morning. James said we should go out for brunch before I head out to meet my extended family for Easter dinner. Brown's Social House is a place that opened up about a block away only a year ago. Our brunch was not nearly as dramatic as dinner at Hapa Izakaya was, but the food was quite good. I even managed to ninja the check from James! However, it seemed a little too easy, and he wasn't putting up as big a fight as usual. As we went back to the apartment and I got my things to put into my car, I watched him (and my stuff) to make sure he wasn't putting any money into them. He hadn't. Victory was imminent. As I headed off, James told me to give him a call when I got to my relatives' place. Now I was really leery. But there was nothing in my stuff!

I got to my relatives, and time passed as I'd forgotten to call James. While my cousins, aunts, uncles and I were eating turkey dinner, James called me. I apologized to him for forgetting to call, but then he laughed and said, "No, I'm not upset about that. I just figured you would have found it by now." A foreboding sense of doom hit me. "Found what?" "Did your shoes feel a little different than usual?" " didn't! I'll call you back." Sure enough, I went to the front door to check underneath the orthotics in my shoes, and James had stuffed roughly $150 in a mix of Canadian and American bills into them. The funniest thing was my uncle's WTF facial expression after he saw me hang up my phone, go over to my shoes, and pull out a whole bunch of money. Explaining the whole thing to the extended family was also quite amusing.

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