Title: Get Over Yourself
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Doctor, The Master, Donna Noble
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Donna isn't the kind of person to let the Master stomp all over her.
The TARDIS door was closed, shutting out the strange lights from outside because they had been giving Donna a bleeding headache like none before. The Doctor had seemed to enjoy it; at least, upon spotting something approaching them that looked suspiciously like a person, he had refused to come back in. That was fine. Donna could use a bit of peace.
Only there was something she couldn't find, and she could hear the lowered voices just beyond the doors. So, with casual determination, she flung open the door and leant out.
"Doctor! You seen my hairbrush?"
The stranger turned around quickly, eyes flashing with anger at the interruption. "Who the hell are you?"
"Donna," she said, hands on hips and head held high. She looked directly at the Doctor, standing there beyond the stranger with his lips set thin and something like fear in his eyes. "Who's this?"
"The Master," said the Doctor. "This is the Master."
"The Master of what?" Donna demanded.
"Just the Master," he replied. "He's another Time Lord."
"Another alien?" she asked, looking instantly curious. She stepped out on tip toes because the floor was damp and she was wearing her favourite pink slippers. "I thought you said there were no more of you."
"I'm an exception to the Doctor's rule," said the Master with a flourish of his hand. There was evil in his eyes, pure and simple, and it put Donna on the defensive.
"Are all you 'Time Lords' so bloody skinny, then?" Donna asked, folding her arms. "And for that matter d'you all use such arrogant nicknames?"
"Donna," warned the Doctor; "don't provoke him."
"That's right," said the Master, leaning forwards with an evil grin. "You really wouldn't want to do that."
She rolled her eyes. "Get over yourself."
Both Time Lords looked a little surprised to say the least. It was the Master who managed to find a response first. "You can't speak to me like that-"
Donna interrupted, stepping back into the doorway of the TARDIS. "Yeah, actually, I can. Watch me." She looked past him disinterestedly and met the Doctor's astounded gaze. "So do you know where it is?"
"My hairbrush."
He blinked slowly. "…No."
With a heavy sigh and a look of disdain, Donna slammed the TARDIS door behind her. "Fat lot of use you are!" she shouted through the doors.