Hi everyone! *WAVES*

Dec 01, 2013 23:22

OMG, it's been an age since I posted here.

It's been being sick (again) and writing and more writing and migraines and Trina and life and pokemon.

Basically, I spent most of August after my birthday til mid September alternating between being sick and writing. October was mainly writing. The tail end of October through halfway of November, I was playing Pokemon X. I also started getting migraines again. bleh. Now, it's effing December. JFC where does the time go?

There are so many fics I've written that never got linked to here. I'll do that over the next few days.

I sometimes lurk around Tumblr which is here: tumblr of mine if you want to follow it.

So...how is every little thing with everyone?

Tell me how you're doing!

Once again, I missed my LJversary. (Nov. 17) Nine years.


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