Dear Yuletide Writer Person of Awesome

Oct 09, 2013 14:14

Firstly, thanks so much for writing for me. I hope you have a fun time doing it. :)

(and, yes, most of this is almost completely ripped off my last year's letter.)

*Non-con/rape is a massive squick for me. I also don't like reading my otp broken in favour of other ships. I don't need a happy ending-though I like them, but I dislike massively unhappy ones. Hopeful ones are cool with me. I don't like gay for you stuff or we're not gay, we're just in love with each other. I dislike homophobia/transphobia/racism, even if it's a character spouting it.

*I'm pretty easy to please otherwise. I like almost every genre but crack and uberfluff. I like happy to dark to in the middle. I don't mind violence. If you write sex, I'm cool with anything. Just...I don't like flowery words for genitals. Her sweet flower or his most secret place stuff just makes me laugh. Same with manmeat and lady essence. I'm fine with cock, clit, tits, stuff like that.

*Kinks: I like obsessive love/adoration. I like barebacking a lot. And felching. I like my sex to include love Um. I like realism in not excessively happy or sad, but a mix of the two. I love violence and guns and knives. I love, LOVE AU. If you want to AU anything, please be my guest.

* I normally don't mind pet names or stuff like baby said during sex, but it doesn't really feel right with these pairings. (I think Robbie calling James "love" is about all I could buy.)

*I'd love if the fics are in tune with the tone of the series they come from, but it's not necessary. I like sex that feels mutual. I don't really like rape as a kink and dislike sex when one person is always protesting ala most yaoi manga. Though, as I stated, sex is not necessary, but I wouldn't mind it.

* Although I didn't choose any, feel free to include any characters in the given series as side characters.

Wild Adapter: I ship Kubota/Tokito and only Kubota/Tokito. (I don't mind if you write them in that strange way they have in the series without making it overtly slashy, however.) I'd love something about them discovering something new about Tokito's past or his arm. Or I wouldn't mind if Kubota gets hurt and Tokito goes on a rampage. Or really anything with these two.

Red Dwarf: I'd really like something gen here. This isn't a fandom I ship anyone in. I would love any sort of story in the style of how episodes usually go. Fail and snark and teasing.

Captain Marvel: I love Carol Danvers. A lot. I'd love any story centered around Carol and other women kicking ass and taking names. If you could write a story featuring only female characters (heroes and villains) I'd love it.

Lewis: I ship James/Robbie. The fic doesn't have to ship them, but I really don't want them with other people if you don't. I would love a fic that has Robbie retiring and James following after him, insinuating himself in Robbie's retirement plans. Any sort of story with that tone is cool. I'd rather not have a lot of homophobia in the story or gay for you stuff. Though, I can understand a little bit of discomfort due to James' character and past. I just don't want it to be a big focus. Everyone can have their big gay freakout off screen. Alternately, an AU in which Robbie meets James during a case and falls in love.

If you're really unsure and need to ask someone about my tastes, you can contact djin7. She pretty much knows my brain.


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