Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness, Other Things.

May 20, 2013 19:57

Lots of news and reviews:

1. I've been asked to be Captain of Team Fine for the last and best mcshep_match! Yay! I can't wait. It's going to be so awesome.

2. Been watching Hannibal. It's gonna get cancelled because of the ratings, but I love it.

3. Me and Vesilicious have decided to watch season three of Teen Wolf. Like a car wreck.

4. Playing Mass Effect again. This time, doing an Ashleymance. It's awesome. I really love it. Ashley never really connects with FemShep as friends like FemShep and Miranda and FemShep and Samara. But with DudeShep, her personality really shines through. I'm loving it so far.

5. I watched both Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness.

Okay, so I'm not a diehard comic fan? Meaning I've read a lot of comics, but I've not read forty-plus years of everything to know every single plotline. I do, however, know enough that it was distracting. The movie took like four or five plots and blended it all together and wasn't always coherent about why. I liked the movie. A lot. I loved Tony with PTSD and dealing with it. I loved Pepper. And Rhodey. And what they did with the Mandarin was really cool. They did the barest of nods towards the Ten Rings, but didn't explain it. I didn't like what they did with Extremis. Extremis was one of my favourite plotlines in Iron Man. I would have liked the Extremis thing to be a standalone movie, dealing with Tony post-Extremis. Dealing with all that entails. But, overall, I liked it a lot. I still prefer Happy/Pepper to Tony/Pepper...but they make Tony a lot more functional in the movies...emotionally, at least.

I had great reservations about this movie once I realised Cumberbuns was playing Khan. A white Khan, wtf. *rolls eyes* But he was a good villain. I watched all of TOS and all the TOS movies...and they have a special place in my heart, but I don't compare old Trek and nuTrek. In that way lay madness. Anyhow, I loved all the characters. I loved there was more visible diversity in the background characters. There was that bald, black lady on the crew deck. I don't recall if she was named...but she had a full figure, too. Wasn't super skinny and she was there and it was great. Most of the time, people toss thin white men/ladies in those roles.

It was funny and cute and fun. Like a good episode of H50. Just enjoy the pretty and don't think too hard and you'll enjoy it.

movie review, rl, etc

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