Change is good.

Dec 19, 2010 07:05

As many of you are already aware, DADT was repealed by the Senate last night. Obama looks forward to signing it into law. And we have another seven months of political bullshit and red tape and paperwork and whatever crap government officials feel the need to do before anything can actually get done.

Still. It's done! A success. It's a step in the right direction. No one wiling to die for this country should be forced to hide something that has no affect on anyone except the person they share with.

I still think it has a way to go as I believe transgendered people are still not allowed to serve and that also dishonours the flag, the constitution, and everything we stand for. At any rate, it's something to letter write and petition for now that this particular matter is settled.

But any success, large or small, should be celebrated and lauded and taken for the encouragement they bring.


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