
Apr 12, 2010 19:17

Five Things I Currently Love:

2. Final Fantasty XIII
3. Lady Gaga (idek)
4. My new flat.
5. mcshep_match (I can't wait)

Five Things I Currently Hate:

1. Catholic Church "policies"
2. My health
3. Lame, white-washed casting of movies.
4. Lame (or if you don't like this particular word choice-weak; inadequate; unsatisfactory), rude ableist assholes.
5. Sentences that begin with "I know you don't like jokes/comments about *minority group here*, but let me share this winner"

Five Things I'm Currently Writing/Contemplating Writing:

1. Serious sexswitch Mcshep
2. Post Season Five Mcshep
3. Fic I owe that is oh so very late.
4. Kubota/Tokito post canon fic
5. McShep Match fic of secretness.

five things

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