Terminus and Birthday yay

Aug 15, 2008 11:57


Finally, the Ginormous Post Of Humongousness!


It was so incredible. lol. I had a brilliant time. I roomed with the delightful and lovely djin7, midnitemaraud_r, and aliciamasters.

To start, midnitemaraud_r brought her copy of Salty Dog V for me to be jealous of and I brought my Stigma. She also brought season 1 and 2 of Saiyuki. And together, we created a shrine to the hotness of Minekura boys.

Also, there was someone at Terminus was way too freaking sweet to me. THANK YOU!! I hope djin7 gave you that hug for me.

Funniest Joke of the Week:

OMG WHERE'S dacro??!!??!! (Funny because, I turn to the person behind me, and say, "OMG, "dacro's rl name", Where's DACRO?! I need to cross her off my list?!?!" LOL.

Name dropping ftw:

wook77 cracked my shit up on many a occasion.
oulangi is really fucking gorgeous. And funny.
amanuensis1 is a beautiful and delightful enabler...even when she's trying to molest my Light/Ryuk wall hanging.
nimori is also a delightful enabler. I drew her a Tezuka/Eiji comic strip. So much lulz.
swtalmnd is adorable and awesome (and had written me porn-posted it recently on IJ)
nefyr was pretty cool, even if he likes Ron!cock. lol. (I'm all for non!con Ron/Lucius...but that's not the same as consenual Harry/Ron, is it?)
alchemia's flapper dress was awesome.
bugland...very squishyable. Hugged many times whilst I was secretly jealous of the beautiful red locks. lol.
dementordelta was awesome, as always, and I kept bringing up her fics in a panel...that I was totally not whispering through. And her Snarry pants. Win.
themostepotente and I hung out some more. It's like no time passed since TWH.
dracofiend is fucking gorgeous, too. And Mr.Fiend was very accommodating. I admire that.
accioslash gave me the awesomest ever Snape burns the Epilogue button. Cause she's brilliant and cute. Mr. Slash was also accommodating. I totes need a sig. other that will come with me to slash cons.
dacro...who WAS at the Snarry meet up after all, was brilliant. Makes me wish I lived in Canada.
femmequixotic and I had a great discussion about baseball. I think this was the one in which people were teased and I and a few others mentioned that Manny will be wearing the pinstripes next year.
ragdoll's hair was brilliant. I loved the colour. Also, she's completely funny.
littleblackbow was awesome and gave me some Kubotokiness. And also was a great cosplayer.
furiosity's haircut is so cute.
valis2 was a GREAT audience for my one-man show...reenacting all my favourite Red Dwarf moments. (I r so lame)
atrata was very adorable and good things occurred from our talk *crosses fingers*
sabershadowkat dragged me out on the dance floor. I can't dance. But I did anyhow!
titti was brilliant and awesome and so much fun.
vals_wickedgrin and I talked a bunch.
tripperfunster was funny and awesome and drew me art.
lauriegilbert was funny and I commiserated with her hotel accommodations.
the_con_cept and adele_sparks were great and fun to play games with.
venivincere I totes didn't spend enough time with you.
sinick and I sang the Bruce's Philosopher song whilst drinking...which I will treasure forever.
ac1d6urn is so freaking cute that it's a crime. I swear. So freaking cute.
jin_fenghuang is also cute...and a bit crazy. bzzzzzzzz
amand_r and joanwilder both had me cracking up like crazy at dinner.
alisanne and I hung out a for a bit too...enjoyed the SLASH panel together. teeheee.

UM. UM. UM. There were other people, too:

ziasudra_fic, dramedy and ETC. omg. brain fail. If you were there, and we talked, omg *huggles and twirls you* I'm at work and can't remember everyone. I TOTES KNOW I'M FORGETTING PEOPLES!#%#@&%!&^$*

Snarry meet up was awesome. Lots of work, since I'm friends with all the fandom crazies that actually do stuff, and I did stuff too. But we had the best swag ever. Um. Seeing the whole restaurant filled with fen was awesome.

Even better was when we lifted a glass to our much beloved and missed anjenue. ♥

I played fandom taboo in the park with a bunch of folks. And was bloody awesome at it, if I don't say so myself. lol.

There was much other stuff...lots of drinking. Lots of getting kicked out of lobbies by irritated security guards. Lots of fun. Lots of me going out for smokes with the smokers even though I never smoke. I just wanted the fresh air whilst they had their "fresh air"

So, waaaay too much fun to mention everything.

I did give really, really bad comic strips to anyone that asked me to sign their books. If you want to share them, feel free. Hehe. We all know that I'm not a fan artist.

I also bought Trina sixty dollars worth of Webkinz. I spoil my loverly brat. ♥

Only regret was that I didn't find pinstripers16

terminus yay, birthday

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