Can I has more terminus?

Aug 12, 2008 01:04

I owe all of you a massive namedropping post of win and awesome...and you'll totes get one when I am awake. I barely got in an hour ago...omfg so tired...and found my bed covered...every square Trina's's good to be home.

I wore my "do I look like a fucking people person?" shirt today in preparation of being in taxis and airports all day and ended up being in a seat next to a seven year old boy. He was very sweet, but I had to rummage for a work safe button, and there was only the one with the snarry_games logo, to cover the fuck part of fucking. I also gave him the guide book and one of my gameboys to play with on the flight.

But so tired.

I miss all of you already

Friending and massive squee after I wake up.

tired and made of sleepy, terminus yay

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