Title: Shaken
Pairing: Kubota/Tokito
Rating: PG
Fandom: Wild Adapter
Words: 100
stagesoflove week three: Five Moments of Insanity.
Previous moments of insanity:
Breaking and
Fallen It's a strange sensation that grips Kubota when he hears the amused voice of that old man on the phone. He almost doesn't recognise it for what it is; he's only felt it twice before. Fear, he knows, is a side effect of that other thing Tokito makes him feel.
Sanada laughs and he can hear the threat in his voice.
Without thinking, in broad daylight, he grabs Tokito's hand in his and is frozen to the spot. He's torn between running away and killing the old man right then and there.
And they still have to buy that cup.