Holy Semagic, Batman....I need a new hobby, don't I?

Aug 03, 2007 21:30

So, LJ is being skeery again.

Remember, I'm Reddwarfer at Greatest Journal.
Reddwarfer at InsaneJournal.
and Reddwarfer at JournalFen.

I have no money to buy a Journal Fen acct right now...but I hope to be able to snag my name and a journal soon.

Also, nova_5 has been claimed at InsaneJournal and Greatest Journal. I'll be posting the old releases over at the other places soon.

Also, snarry_Games is over at both Greatest Journal and InsaneJournal. :)

As for preference, baring my no knowledege of Journal Fen, I prefer InsaneJournal.


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