Holy Scrumping Batman...

Aug 02, 2007 02:07

I was over at the pit of voles for no reason in particular when I found this:

Endless Dream continued » by Tensa Zangetsu

This is the continuation of Endless Dream by PoTObLiViOn, who seems to have abandoned it. i find it a waste so i decided to continue it. if PoTObLiViOn doesn't like me continuing it i will delete it. Read Endless Dream it's really good. [TezukaFuji]

I don't know about any of you lovely people, but I'd have been pissed the hell off if anyone picked up my projects that I hadn't updated in two months, and started continuing it without permission. Or even trying to get it.

Some people baffle me.

is anyone sick of the subject headers yet?

people fail, i love charlotte, why do i go there, it's thursday and i'm thinking, pit of voles, smutmas is on, yay for stuff, zukafuji is love

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