So I never responded to any of your pleas for the unedited version of the article that appears in the magazine that will not be named. I didn't want to revel in disturbing the peace with people who otherwise treated me pretty well, but, knowing what I know now I might have decided otherwise.
Apparently, I got shit-canned from my job a few weeks ago without being told. How hilariously 6th grade of some people. Being the punk rocker that I still am in my heart of hearts, I'm a little embarrassed that it was the first time I've ever been fired from a job -- especially since I can easily claim more than 2 dozen jobs over the past 14 years. Anyway, if you come to town don't go looking for me at the store that will not be named . . .
. . . instead, come visit me at my NEW CAFE! That's right, my friends, we have entered fully loco territory by deciding to sign a lease on a space in SE Portland. We take over in January meaning life as I know it will come to a swift end.
I'll try to keep you updated on the process since this is the fun part before the actual hard work starts. We're busy choosing color schemes (black, duh), figuring out how we're going to live if no one shows up (dumpster diving at New Seasons or Whole Foods?), deciding what we're going to do with our small child (closet or leash?) So many questions, so little time.
your little capitalist friend