Sep 19, 2010 18:55

I am currently feeling traumatized because I was 19 chapters and, like, 4 hours into a really long Rose/Cloen fic before I realized it was another Cloen-must-die!-JE-fix-it. I stopped there, but from skimming it looks like he takes a really long time to die too. D: 19 chapters of them falling in love and starting over and Torchwood adventures and smut and a baby TARDIS and then all of a sudden "It's unfair that the Real Doctor didn't get to love you like I did so you must go back to him. After my angsty death."

It was totally my fault for downloading it randomly and assuming that it wasn't a Cloen-must-die!-JE-fix-it and that the author's note of "I was bitter about Journey's End when I started writing this but now I'm not" meant "I've come to accept TenII's AWESOMENESS" and not "I'm going to put TenII through a slow, painful agonizing death so Rose can return to the REAL Doctor where she belongs".

Why do so many writers like to have Cloen die horribly so Rose can return to Ten? I mean, everyone knew Season 5 was coming and would Joss all post JE fic anyway, so why not start your going-to-be-AU-anyway-fic *before* JE if you didn't like it instead of killing poor Cloen?

I think I need to follow rattus_aerius's lead and skip to the end of TenII fics before reading them. ::shudder:: I'm going to go read the 'Loved 'verse now. Or the Fourteen 'verse. Or the altverse. Or possibly anything with Cloen and "verse" in the title.

In completely unrelated news, it has been pointed out to me that the Ten/TenII manip I made a while back has recently made the rounds at tumblr under the title "Reblog if you have a boner". I am torn between total embarrassment that so many people have seen it and wishing that it had been credited/linked back to me so people could actually see it at full size.

character: 10.5, fandom: doctor who, holy shit no one cares, fandom, leave poor cloen alone, fandom we need to talk

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