Nov 19, 2004 00:55
And I'm all like, dude, I don't need any new bands to be into, I'm way too busy, and besides, The Faint are all hip and I hate hipsters and their stupid bands. There's no way I'm falling for that.
And The Faint's like, Whatever, bitch, cower before my retro New Wave sound! I know your tiny little gothy heart is bursting at the sound of all the sexy synths. Admit it: you want to stick your tongue into someone's mouth while we're playing. You want to have our babies and eat them.
And I'm all, you're so full of yourself, stupid hipster band! I might find those synths kinda sexy, but I hate hipster indie bands, and you're a hipster indie band, and your lyrics are annoying and stupid half the time.
And the Faint goes, I saw you scribble lyrics from "Sex is Personal" on your notebook. Why don't you just write Mrs. the Faint on there too? Do you really think you can escape when Tim saved you that magazine that said we were one of the top ten goth bands of the year? I know you always listen to Tim, you groupie. And besides, you think the vocalist sounds like the Seabound vocalist.
And then I went, you are so not a goth band! Just because the magazine said you had a goth-y album doesn't mean you're not an indie band from Omaha that all the radio people I hate like! Just because you remind me of one of my favorite German bands means nothing! They kind of suck, actually, regardless of whether I like them or not. I hate you! Shut up!
And The Faint's all, am I mistaken, or did you just order our dance goth masterpiece from, after having our new album for only a day?
And I didn't really know how to respond to that.
And the Faint's like. Uh huh. Whatever. Gimme some sugar, bitch.
Stupid evil band.