Apr 09, 2009 07:03
More drama in furry. I can set my clock by this.
Heee. Furry is a large collection of undefinable people. Trying to define it is a joke. It's NEVER really been defined, ever, despite what you experienced during your first few cons when you insulated yourself from things that were surely going on.
Cope. Just.. cope. Everything seems innocent and cool and exactly what you want when you first find it.. and then you slowly start discovering things. That doesn't mean the things you discover aren't "Furry" or that the "old furry" was better.
The old Furry ALSO had convention staff advertising in fetish magazines. So.. the "old furry" never existed. It was a product of you being fresh to the fandom, and having nostalgia.
But, given who's complaining, this is nothing new. He should just accept that this is how it is, how it was, and how it has been. I know when I did that, my life in Furry got MUCH easier.