Why not.
if stars were to burn - Dean/Cas implied; 15x07 coda; 1385 words
Through Rugged Land - Dean/Cas implied; 15x08 coda; 1817 words
We Collide with Place - Dean/Cas; 15x08 coda part II w/ 15x09 speculation; 5379 words
Pattern Recognition - Dean/Cas; 15x09 coda; 1624 words
This is a love song - Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen; case fic; set in s15 hiatus; 8913 words
What didn't kill you - Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen; post-series; 20,124 words
The ways of the old, old winds - Dean/Cas; 15x15 coda; 1364 words
Visited upon the son - Sam&Dean&childhood trauma, Dean/Cas implied; 15x16 coda; 1579 words
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