Yuletide Letter 2015

Oct 26, 2015 23:24

Dear Yuletide Author,

Hope you're seeing this, and sorry for the delay in posting a letter.

Thank you for writing for me! I'm not that difficult to please, and I'm sure I will like anything you come up with for these. I don't have a lot to add to what I said in my sign-up (and there's only one fandom here I've never requested before - I do tend to repeat myself), but there are some general likes/dislikes and a few more fandom details below:

In general, I like fic that says pretty close to canon, and acknowledges important canon relationships. I like fic that focuses on relationships, and that what I'm interested in all of these fandoms. I read slash, femslash and het in equal measure depending on the fandom. I love threesomes too. I love explorations of intense and deep platonic relationships too, so gen fic is great.

While I'm not big on AUs most of the time, I *do* like a lot of trope-y fic (coming out narratives, woke up married, undercover, huddling for warmth, amnesia, etc). Just please, no one growing wings or turning into an animal. :)

By Fandom:

She-Ra; Adora

What I said in my request:
Adora is the only character I requested, but feel free to include anyone else you want. Any fic focused on her is going to make me happy. I'm particularly interested in anything that deals with her secret identity and the ramifications of having to keep that secret (bonus points if it's revealed to someone or dealing with the fallout of the reveal).

Totally fine with gen fic, though Adora femslash would also be great. Other background pairings are welcome. (Open to just about anything but incest).

So I request this every year, and a few years ago, I really did figure out the way the whole secret identity thing with Adora was the first-ever coming out narrative that resonated with me long, long before I knew that was a thing I was into. :) So if there is a relationship, I would prefer Adora to be queer in some way, but gen is 100% fine if that's not your thing. I just want all of the Adora fic. All of it.

Elementary; Sherlock, Irene, Bell, Joan Watson

What I said in my request:
Don't feel like you have to include all four characters. You can include them in any combination. In general, I prefer Joan and Sherlock's relationship to stay platonic, but I'm willing to be convinced. :) Some other ideas:

1) Sherlock/Irene - ALWAYS. I like them as worthy adversaries with real and complicated feelings for each other.
2) Sherlock/Bell - how does it happen?
3) Joan/Bell - how does it happen?
4) Sherlock/Joan/Bell - I've been waiting for someone to write the OT3
5) Joan & Sherlock gen - anything focused on their friendship would be great. I also like the idea of bisexual Joan and would be interested in seeing that explored.

Seriously, any combination of any of the above would be delightful. (And just to clarify, while I'm kind of iffy on Joan/Sherlock, the second you add Bell into it and it becomes Joan/Sherlock/Bell, I am ALL ABOUT IT. I don't know.) I also really, really like Elementary's Irene. I'm fascinated by her, so something that focuses very strongly on her would be great too.

Jesus Christ Superstar; Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot

What I said in my request:
Go wild :)

So this is the only thing on my list I've never requested before, and I know that's not a lot of guidance! I'm interested in seeing their relationship explored; particularly in the Jesus Christ Superstar mythos, Judas is a such a tragic character, and his motivations and decisions are fascinating to me. (I saw a production once where he was pulled around by the cloaked figures meant to represent the fates, through the entire play. Very interesting staging). If you want to go to a slash place, I would not be disappointed. (Because I visit my parents on Christmas, and they're usually around for the last of my frantic Yuletide writing, they know about it and always me what I got. Telling my minister father I got Jesus/Judas slash would be super fun). HOWEVER, like I said above, I'm always interested in seeing the nuances of really intense platonic relationships explored too, so that would also be great.

Greek; Cappie, Casey, Evan

What I said in my request:
I'm particularly interested in future fic here - where are they ten years or so down the line? (OT3 welcome, if you're so inclined. :) )

Not a whole lot to add here, except to say feel free to include any other characters you might want (especially Rebecca). I really am an OT3 shipper in this fandom (when I wasn't shipping Casey/Rebecca), so I lean in that direction, but I'm also interested in the relationships individually.

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jesus christ superstar, she-ra, elementary, greek, yuletide

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