
Apr 18, 2015 14:52

Per my last post, trying to use Tumblr again has so far just led to a two-day long spiral into the depths of The Johnlock Conspiracy. I don't know why. I don't care about BBC Sherlock at all. Like, I actually don't care. Not like hockey, where I say I don't care, but I'm lying. I actually don't care; I haven't watched the show since the second ( Read more... )

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redbrickrose April 18 2015, 22:00:52 UTC
Basically, it's just a really elaborate fan theory that John/Sherlock is the planned endgame of the series and the writers have been leaving hints throughout, and the particular post I linked to uses an LGB research commission study from 2009 to make the argument that something like that is what the BBC has WANTED from it's LGB focused-programming.

I didn't have time to read 25,000 words of meta on that either, (even though I did) but like, it's actually really interesting from a fan studies perspective? I don't find it convincing, but I totally get why it's fun to think about, so you know, more power to them. I just don't know how I ended up sucked in, because it's really not my text at all. I watched the first two seasons and enjoyed them well enough, but in general, I find a lot of things about the show really frustrating (as well as finding both Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberpatch unattractive, which is neither here nor there wrt enjoying the show, but does make it hard to connect to the fandom in some ways), but I do periodically end up sucked into being Sherlock-fandom adjacent. Several years ago, I went on a major binge where I read all of the post-season two fic. It was so good! I liked it so much more than I liked the show at that point.


a2zmom April 18 2015, 22:27:31 UTC
If that's not the endgame, I can't imagine the uproar.

Somewhat fray adjacent, I recently read that at a Sherlock con, people who were not Johnlock shippers were bullied and harassed by a small subset. I will never understand doing that to people.


redbrickrose April 18 2015, 23:46:42 UTC
I'm not gonna lie, I'd be delighted if it was the endgame. I'm skeptical, and not invested in that particular fandom/ship, but, like, it would be cool if any show did that.

Yeah, I actually read about that too, and some other wank around the whole thing while I was reading the rest of this. I don't get it either. :/


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