(no subject)

Apr 18, 2015 14:52

Per my last post, trying to use Tumblr again has so far just led to a two-day long spiral into the depths of The Johnlock Conspiracy. I don't know why. I don't care about BBC Sherlock at all. Like, I actually don't care. Not like hockey, where I say I don't care, but I'm lying. I actually don't care; I haven't watched the show since the second season. And yet, I am fascinated. And so goes the clear danger of Tumblr, I suppose.

It is a gorgeous day that I have spent being incredibly lazy. I have such a long to-do list, just in things I have to do in my personal life and for church volunteering and stuff, not even counting work shit. And just no motivation to do anything but sit in the sun and be grateful it is finally April.

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