the only icons I have left on DW are Vampires Diaries, but at least this one has wine in it

Jun 04, 2013 22:27

Hello! Since we last spoke, I went to two phenomenal, emotionally intense Fall Out Boy shows and also realized that I'm now attracted to Patrick Stump since he apparently got shockingly stage hot. So that's new. Also, it was just so, so good to have FoB back. I didn't quite realize I still had FoB feelings to the degree I seem to, but there they were. Feelings and nostalgia for 2007 all over the place. I think it helped that they were having so many feelings. Like, feelings were coming off of the stage in waves; I don't know how anyone could have avoided being affected by it.

The morning after the DC FoB show, I got up at 4:30 and flew to Seattle, where I spent few days with
fiercynn, and also saw
romantical and some college friends. It was a great time - gorgeous and sunny and warm all weekend, which I have been assured is abnormal, but it was BEAUTIFUL - and obviously it was awesome to see everyone.
fiercynn made me watch Due South, I made her watch White Collar, like you do.

Now I'm on my way to the wilds of British Columbia to see my baby cousin graduate from high school. I took the train up to Vancouverearly this morning to meet my parents, who were supposed to fly in from Alabama at noon. That didn't happen and they got rerouted all over the place and are going to end up in Kelowna instead, so they bought me a ticket to Kelowna and texted me the flight info before I crossed the border and lost cell reception. Then I spent all day wandering aimlessly and phonelessly around Vancouver snarking at Twitter whenever I had WiFi. Most bars had WiFi, so by "wandering aimlessly through Vancouver," I mostly mean "pub crawling along Gastown/the Waterfront." Responsible life choices!

Now I'm at a new bar in the Vancouver airport, waiting for my puddle jumper to Vancouver, substituting beer for Klonopin, and pretending I'm not watching hockey. Later I may see if this WiFi signal is strong enough to download the Teen Wolf season premiere, so, you know. I hope you're pleased with yourself, Fandom.

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