(no subject)

May 25, 2013 19:41

I am in Boston with
elucidate_this. Right now we are watching hockey. Or, more accurately, she is watching hockey and I'm playing on my laptop. The Bruins are playing the Rangers, and I'm rooting for the Bruins, which she says I should do because they* knocked out the Caps, which I should care about. Also, I'm sitting on her couch, so rooting for the same team is probably the way to go. I know pretty much nothing about hockey except for what I keep inadvertantly learning from hockey fic, which I read more of than I like to admit to these days since it seems to be a fandom almost entirely dedicated to coming out fic about people who are really bad at having feelings. I'm super easy for that.

Tomorrow we will see Fall Out Boy, and I'm very excited, both for seeing them in general and for seeing them with
elucidate_this - we fell hard into bandom together all those years ago (SIX?!?!?! Really? What.), and the only bandom band we've ever seen together is The Cab, so seeing a FoB reunion show feels very appropriate. We were supposed to see my Cobras together when I had plans to follow them up and down the east coast whenever they toured, but then they foiled those plans by never, ever touring on Night Shades. Hopefully they'll tour on the new album they're apparently recording.

Speaking of Cobras, Gabe Saporta is getting married this weekend and I have Feelings about that. Hopefully there will be pictures all over the internet.

In other fannish news:

1) Still six episodes behind on Vampire Diaries, and holding out until I can watch it with my viewing buddy who lives in New York, but it's still the closest thing I have to current fannish feelings.

2) Elementary is my new favorite show, and I don't know how *fannish* I really am, per se, but that season finale could not have been more up my alley if it had been specifically written for me, so if anyone wants to talk about that...

3) I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness opening night with
inlovewithnight and
sansets. I may see it again while I'm here. I really liked it, and probably don't want to debate that. I totally get the issues people had with it, and there were things that didn't work for me, but there was a lot that did, and I had a visceral reaction to it that I was't really expecting. And also, on a purely shallow/fannish level, I'm on the Kirk/Spock train for the first time ever. I was never OPPOSED before, but I was pretty solidly neutral. The archetypal slash pairing and I finally get it! So there's that.

4) Doctor Who. What?

The Bruins just won Yay!

How are you guys?

*ETA: The Rangers knocked out the Caps, so I should be rooting against them, is what that was meant to say.

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fannish_history, hooraythecobra, elementary, vampire_diaries, fob

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