Yuletide Letter

Oct 15, 2012 09:56

ETA: So, Yuletide!

First of all, hi! Thank you for writing for me! I'm sure what ever you come up with will be awesome. But if more guidance helps:

General likes: angst, UST that's eventually resolved, first times, misunderstandings, partners-in-crime/comrades-in-arms dynamics, worthy adversaries (I like antagonism ships a lot, but the people involved have to clearly respect each other), trickster characters, endearing assholes, grand gestures, dramatic reveals, coming out narratives, happy endings that feel *earned,* open endings, intense platonic connections (including sibling relationships), mixed gender three-or-moresomes

General dislikes: character bashing, kid!fic, AUs with no clear connection to canon, bleak endings with no redemptive elements, hard-core kink, significant power imbalances in romantic relationships, incest, omegaverse. I have a pretty big embarrassment squick.

She-Ra: Princess of Power: Adora; gen

What I said in my sign-up: I like all of the other characters so feel free to include any other characters you want, but Adora is the only requirement. Honestly, any fic focused on her is going to make me happy. I'm particularly interested in anything that deals with her secret identity and the ramifications of having to keep that secret (bonus points if it's revealed to someone or dealing with the fallout of the reveal). I would prefer that a pairing not be the central focus, but it doesn't have to be gen (though it's fine if it is!). I would love Adora femslash, but I'm open to pretty much any pairing (either involving Adora or in the background) except for incest.

I request this every year. /o\ I don't really have any additional details to add to this. She-Ra was a deeply formative childhood text for me, and Adora was my One True Character when I was, like, four. Seriously, any fic about her will make me happy.

Mars Rovers: Curiosity, Opportunity, Spirit; gen (please no robot sex)

what I said in my sign-up: Curiosity lands on Mars, finds Spirit and Opportunity (or just one of them). :D? Look, that XKCD comic about the Spirit Rover makes me SO SAD.

This request came about because of a conversation I had with one of my best friends from grad school about Curiosity's landing and how sad we are about the lost Spirit Rover, and she said there should be a story about Curiosity finding it. AND THERE SHOULD BE. So I told her about Yuletide, and that I would request that story, because stories about anthropomorphized space vehicles are pretty much the kind of thing Yuletide is for, right? I think so.

Elementary Joan Watson; gen

What I said in my sign-up: Anything focused either on her backstory, or her perspective on the prickly beginnings of her friendship with Sherlock would be awesome. I'd rather no romantic pairing between Sherlock and Watson (and I'd love a queer Watson, though obviously not a requirement), but I really just want a Joan Watson character study. Feel free to include any other characters.

Oh my goodness, I am so defensive about this show. I don't even know how it happened. I am not particularly a Sherlock Holmes person (though I have enjoyed previous incarnations), but before this show even aired I was having feelings all over the place about it. When we were first hearing about it, I was talking to
inlovewithnight and I said all I wanted it to be was asexual!Sherlock and lesbian!Watson (who still marries Mary) having a DEEPLY intense-but-platonic bff relationship and fighting crime. That is already not what this show is, and I accept that. However, I still already love Joan Watson. I said a character study in the request, but a case-file type story would be awesome too.

Pushing Daisies Ned/Charlotte/Olive

What I said in my sign-up: Don't you wonder how Ned and Charlotte have sex? I do. It seems like something that Olive could help with.

So, looking at this sign-up, one of these things is not like the other. Gen, gen, gen, FILTHY PORN, but seriously. There is so much kink buried below the surface of this show. Ned and Charlotte cannot touch or she will die, but they are clearly having some kind of sexual relationship. I want to know how that works. I want them bringing Olive, who loves them both in her way, into it.

If you're not into filthy porn (which I understand!), then anything that explores Ned/Charlotte and the emotional intensity and longing inherent in their situation would be great too. The whimsical form of the show means a lot of that gets glossed (though it's very present in the subtext).

Anyway, I like to err on the side of more details rather than fewer, but I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with! Yay, Yuletide.


Also, hi, fandom, hi. I am better than I was the last time we talked. How are you guys?

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pushing daisies, she-ra, elementary, yuletide

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