(no subject)

Dec 27, 2011 10:08

I am still in Birmingham, and I don't really want to go back to DC tomorrow. I just have such a long list of responsible adult shit that has to get taken care of in the next few weeks, and I don't want to do ANY of it. I'm not actually going to do anything about any of it until next week, I don't think, because 2011 and I are DONE, so I'm not doing anything else I don't want to do until it's officially 2012. (Except go to work Thursday and Friday, I guess. That really can't be helped).

Vacation has been pretty relaxing for the most part, except for Christmas evening when we tried to go see Sherlock Holmes and there was a riot at the theater.

...I know, right?

We think it started out as a kind of flash rob kind of thing (almost HAD to be organized on social media), but there were about 600-700 teenagers/young adults in the movie theater/parking lot of the shopping center - breaking into cars, stealing candy, running up and down the aisles, harassing people, etc - and by the time we left, after the theater shut down all the movies and called every cop in Birmingham, the energy had gotten pretty ugly. It actually *wasn't* a riot yet, but it definitely felt like it was about to be.

So, you know. That happened. It never did make the news, which I found weird, and also I still don't know how the movie ends. :( I guess it will be a good story? Or a story of some kind, anyway.


I figure that to fulfill all fannish righteousness, I am going to have to see the end of Sherlock Holmes at some point. I'm torn between going back to the theater and sitting through the whole thing again or just finding it online and watching the last half hour.

I did watch the Christmas Doctor Who special. It was...very sweet, and the ending made me cry. It is true that everything even remotely touching and/or emotionally manipulative in media has made me cry recently (I don't think I used to be so EASY), but I just like Eleven so much. There's just something gentler about this incarnation.

I still haven't read very many Yuletide fics except the one written for me and all of the Portal ones. Maybe I'll work my way through some of those while I "telecommute" this morning.

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doctorwho, birmingham

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