(no subject)

Sep 22, 2010 00:16

So I don't dare check LJ/DW or anything fandom related at work. I don't even check my fandom email. I am super paranoid and I know they monitor us, and also people are looking over my shoulder all the time not because they're nosy, but just because we work in very close quarters. I'm actually trying to never type "redbrickrose" into my work computer at all.

This means a couple of things:
1) I feel tragically out of the fannish loop most of the time these days, and
2) I spent a lot more time reading random blogs and news sites, which I kind of like actually, because it means I'm consuming a wider variety of information. I don't really procrastinate less, I just procrastinate differently.

Here are my favorite three things I saw today:

1) Is 'The Social Network' a Hatchet Job? Basically this movie is Aaron Sorkin writing rpf about Mark Zuckerberg, right? I...am fascinated. I don't even know how I feel about it, but I'm fascinated.

2) Astronauts Twitter pictures from space Space being pretty instead of creepy! But also kind of creepy. Also, wow, technology is cool.

3) There is a Horse in the Apple Store. A friend linked this blog post and it may be my favorite thing I read today. It's all about the really incredible things that become commonplace, and the places we find wonder anyway and the things that wake us up.

I have Castle, Gossip Girl (how come noone told me that started *last* week? >:( ) and Glee downloaded, but it's probably too late for those tonight at this point, huh? Maybe one of them.

Also, I want these boots badly. Wait until I actually get paid, y/n? For that matter, I need yet another pair of suede boots, y/n? But these ones are green.

ETA: !!!! The Brendon&Ryan interaction: not a one time event. And Spencer was there! Panic at the Disco, I am just not over you

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space_is_creepy, rpf, tyv, job:dc, patd, links

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