Weekend is over. :(

Sep 27, 2010 01:12

Gossip Girl!
I love this show SO MUCH. I was actually surprised by how deligthful I found it. I wasn't sure what I'd think because I was not at all pleased with the end of last season. Honestly, I still think Chuck's characterization is bullshit, but he and Blair had that great moment on the bridge, and that last bit, with Blair consciously giving up her fairytale and Chuck playing the roll of the Prince to French Girl (whose name I don't remember), was pretty well done. He's taking back his identity, but he still has to catch up with her in terms of maturity and acceptance. I still think Chuck and Blair are endgame and I'm actually *glad* she hasn't forgiven him yet - though I do think that the Jack thing was about a million times worse than Chuck sleeping with Jenny, so I can't quite figure out why she could forgive the Jack thing and not the Jenny thing, but whatever. She forgave him way too easily to begin with, so regardless he needs to do some wooing and/or groveling and they need to not be together *yet.* But oh God, Blair. "I don't love you anymore, but it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf." She is SO GREAT, you guys. FAVORITE.

Both Blair and Serena have been pretty great so far this season! I love how the focus of this show, at heart, is always their friendship. And Blair, Serena and Chuck are pretty much the only characters I care about. The Georgina & Dan have a kid thing has pretty much kicked the ridiculousness up to eleven, but soap-opera-over-the-top is kind of the point of Gossip Girl, so I'm okay with that and I'm prepared to take whatever they throw at me. And as an added bonus, it actually made Dan a little more interesting to me. And surprisingly I found myself enjoying Nate and Dan's friendship when normally I don't like either of them much. But Vanessa needs to run. She can do better.

So I am going to watch SPN this season - I didn't really think I'd be able to stay away. But while I may comment on other people's posts, I probably won't be talking about it a lot here unless they do something particularly awesome or egregious. I liked the finale well enough, but it felt anticlimactic to me across the board. The reunion was anticlimactic, the introduction of the Campbell's was "eh." Sam went from "I wanted you to have a normal life" to "come with me" too quickly and without enough of a reason. I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't particularly impressed either.

Partly I think that's because I was SO satisfied with the finale last season. That would have been such a great ending. Even watching the beginning, I just kept thinking that it *was* a happy ending for Dean, or as close as he was going to get. Him getting sucked back in his interesting in a this-show-is-a-tragedy way, but I don't know...watching it seemed really sad to me. I don't know if that's what we're supposed to be taking away from that, but it was the main reaction I had. I did like that Lisa (and Ben) survived the episode! I was pretty worried that wouldn't happen. Also, I really, REALLY like that Dean went back to them at the end. I know it's not going to take because having them as regulars is probably too much to hope for, but almost nothing annoys me more than one character valiantly leaving another "for their own good," so it was very satisfying to have Dean recognize that Lisa and Ben are going to be in danger whether he stays with them or not, and act accordingly, rather than being an idiot about it. I just hope Lisa continues to survive.

I have reservations about where they're going and how they're going to get there, but we'll see. I'm still watching.


I spent most of this weekend with my family just hanging out and doing nothing and it was awesome. After they left this evening, I cleaned most of the things and did all of the laundry, and then caught up on all of the television. Now it is 1:30 and I'm putting off going to sleep because if I fall asleep it will make morning come and ugh, DNW Monday. Hopefully this week will be an improvement on the last one.

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supernatural, gossipgirl

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