(no subject)

Mar 16, 2010 12:04

* So I watched that video of The Young Veins set and listened to the new song. The new song is fun! I'm still not overly impressed with the lyrical stylings of TYV and, honestly, the music isn't really my thing overall, but there were things there I liked and they seem to be doing well and to have their shit together. Personal taste issues (and residual Panic-split related fannish crazy) aside, as a ridiculously lol defensive Ryan fan, that's really what I want for them. *hands* I guess we'll see how I feel about the actual album.

* Last night I managed to sabotage myself by not doing any work until about midnight and so obviously not finishing until almost four. I am so awesome, you don't even know. And by "awesome" I don't actually mean "awesome." I'm tired, I have SO MUCH to do for tomorrow and so that's what I should spend tonight doing, but I'm seriously considering going to St. Patrick's Day parade in Clarendon instead. Poor decision making FTW. I mean, I guess I have time to do it now, but that would be efficient and productive. Can't have that.

* But! It is so sunny and warm today that I feel human again. I'm going to take the hour and fifteen minutes I have between work and class to just sit on a bench in the sun with something sugary and iced and caffeinated and it is going to be glorious.

How are you all today?

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axis of emo, tyv

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