Torchwood: Children of Earth

Jul 13, 2009 02:43

So, I got home and I was exhausted, but I was like, hey! I think I'll watch Torchwood and then go to bed.

Yeah, whatever. So then I watched Torchwood. And now it's way past the middle of the night and I'm even more exhausted.

But a lot of that's emotional, and...not really in a good way.

Of course, I loved the first three episodes, and I was even okay through the end of part 4. I could have dealt with Ianto's death - didn't love it so soon after Owen and Tosh, but you know, hero's death, everyone leaves Jack, Torchwood is dangerous, these are all important points (or I was willing to be convinced that they were important points). It was a good death, and I was ready and willing to roll with it. I'm not rolling so well with part five. It just seemed like too much to me - bleak for the sake of being bleak. Grace in darkness is my trope. Above all others, that's the trope that hits my narrative buttons the hardest, but it has to feel like that's the only way the story could have gone if it's really going to work. The darkness has to really feel completely narratively necessary, and I didn't feel that here. It felt like a lot of the last part was done for shock value and emotional manipulation.

I haven't read anybody else's reaction posts. It may be awhile before I do, especially because I was already still feeling fannishly shaky due to Panic at the Disco breaking my heart. Now I'm feeling REALLY fannishly shaky.

I don't even know. It just hasn't been a good week for fannish source texts, has it? I'm really not even sure what to do with myself. OTHER THAN LIE IN THE DARK AND SOB.

Uh...otherwise my family is fantastic and I had a really good weekend. I hope you all are well. I'm not sure if I'll make it all the way back through my flist. If you have something you want me to see for sure, please leave a link here? And...if there are any happy, shiny things, I would be extra appreciative.


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