Supernatural 4x21

May 08, 2009 17:28

Last night I saw Gaslight Anthem w/Pela and Good Old War in Towson with quicknow. In general I tend to like concerts more when I know all the lyrics to the songs, and Gaslight Anthem is not a band where I know all the lyrics, but it was still a lot of fun. They were excellent and they put on a great show. I'd never heard Pela before and I was a little 'eh' on them, but I loved Good Old War - likely because when left to my own (non-Stockholmed by Pete Wentz) devices, my tastes really do skew more toward folk-rock than anything else. Well, that and show tunes.

Today I did pretty much nothing except sleep, but I did watch last night's Supernatural.

I don't know, you guys. My opinions have not changed through most of this season. I did like this episode overall because it felt like everything between Sam and Dean (everything that has been there all season) was finally out in the open.

There were things I didn't like about this episode. I'm still not sure how I feel about Dean being "chosen" or whatever. The addiction metaphor continues to be completely stupid and unnecessary in every way, and there seemed to be a weird attempt to draw parallels between John and Dean and it was really forced because it's always been emphasized that the real parallels are between John and Sam. Dean spouting John's "if you walk out that door, don't come back" line seemed pretty out of character.

BUT, otherwise I liked the fight. EVERYTHING Sam and Dean are doing is for each other. EVERYTHING. And it always has been. The rift is not coming out of them not caring about each other; it's coming out of them caring TOO MUCH and working past each other. Yeah, they're not totally trusting each other at the moment, and no it's not easy to watch, but it is ALL OUT OF LOVE and fear and it's been building all season, so I was actually glad to finally get there. Okay! Fight it out, everything on the table, now let's do this apocalypse thing. I feel like I keep saying that over and over again every week, but I also feel like I keep seeing all this discussion of how Sam and Dean aren't close anymore and don't care about each other anymore and how sad that is, and man, I do not see that AT ALL. They are ripping themselves apart over how much they love each other. That's what this season is about. That's what this show is about: the Winchester family killing themselves, getting themselves killed, making other stupid decisions because they love each other too much. (I am not referencing responses to this particular episode here, just things I've seen around. I actually have not read many episode responses to this ep yet).

I still feel 'eh' about the decision to go the angel route, but who cares about my whining, it's been going on this whole season, so time to roll with it, right? I figure it goes like this: there's the Sam&Dean rift with Sam on the "side" of the demons (not really, right, because he's trying to kill Lilith, but he's drinking demon blood and part demon and aligned with them, whatever, at least he's trusting Ruby which is probably a mistake) and Dean on the side of (aka as the pawn of) the angels, only of course it is now clear that the angels don't really want to stop the apocalypse at all, so the two sides aren't really that different and so Sam and Dean (most likely with the help of Castiel who will most likely defect from Heaven despite his recent relapse into obedience) end up choosing each other and humanity and free will and thwarting both sides. (Maybe also with the help of Ruby? Though it's more likely that she will end up evil and dead.) YAY! The end.

I guess they could drag it out past next week and we could have a cliff-hanger, though I would prefer more of a s2 type cliffhanger with resolution and then new questions to s1 or s3 type where people were dead. We still don't know what the YED's endgame is and that still needs to be fully explored. Is it tied to this? Because I don't think that's been made clear. Of course, if not, they've already done the apocalypse thing. Unless you're Buffy there's not really that many places to go from apocalypse.

We may be in for a cliffhanger. But when the apocalyptic smoke clears (whenever that ends up being), I am seriously 200% convinced that it will end up with Sam and Dean on the same side and it will emphasize the depth of their love for each other. I'm not kidding, I COULD NOT BE MORE CERTAIN OF THAT. I don't trust this show with everything - things like female characters, for example - but do I trust it do be about Sam&Dean no matter what? Uh, yeah. I really do.


Very soon I am leaving to go see Star Trek. I have only heard excellent things. FANTASTIC.


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