(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 22:07

It's amazing the things you have time to do when you don't have regular internet access. I haven't done as much exploring as I feel like I should, but I'm pretty well organized and set up here. It's probably good for me, though I am not going to have any idea wtf is going on in fandom by the time I come back. You know how some people take some time away from fandom and feel kind of liberated and like they're more involved in the real world and enjoy having more time for other things in their lives?

That's so not me. *clings*

I thought my prior fandoms moved fast, but they had *nothing* on bandom. neverneverfic has promised to keep me apprised of truly important development and has assured me that I will be the first person she calls if Brendon comes out or MCR records a duet with Katy Perry or anything deeply bizarre happens. (She texted me last night just to be sure that I knew that there's a lj-com devoted to Gerard/Edward Cullen slash. Thanks for being you, fandom. My world is a little brighter and more ridiculous knowing that. Unrelatedly, in the time I have not been spending online, I've been reading. I'm reading Good Omens for the first time, right, and I'm thinking to myself "I wonder if there's any good Aziraphale/Crowley slash," and I'm pretty much reconciled to trolling the pit of voles, but then I google it and the first links that come up are *multiple* fairly active lj comms. Seriously, thanks for being you, fandom).

Speaking of Katy Perry, I am not her biggest fan. Meg and I had a long conversation about that, which is why she was mentioned specifically above. This is because I hate her two biggest singles, as I have virtually no information about her beyond that. I could maybe handwave "I Kissed a Girl," because while I am very uncomfortable with some of the implications, especially the idea that it's "not what good girls do," I also firmly believe that any one can kiss anyone else for whatever reason they want, provided that all people involved are on the same page. So while some of the lyrics bother me, it wouldn't be a deal breaker. Whatever. EXCEPT that "UR so Gay" fills me with blinding rage and she comes off as utterly clueless in both of the Out.Com interviews I found. (I went looking for interviews after I read something that implied she had dated Pete and I wanted confirmation. I didn't find it. But even the implication makes me want to like her more because of the way this opens up potential for Pete/Travie/Katy Perry. I support it.)

I haven't written her off completely and I'm waiting to see what else she does because let's face it, I have been known to forgive people for an offensive song or two and an obnoxious Out interview, HAVEN'T I, GABRIEL SAPORTA? But I do find what she's done so far musically to be offensive, and I'd pretty much decided that I was never going to talk about her at all. I mention it now only because then this happened and I found myself bizarrely charmed by her. I'm sure you have all seen it, but whatever, see above re: how incredibly behind on EVERYTHING I am. She's not my favorite, but I am such a sucker for canon evidence of the bandom girls hanging out with each other and I'm not gonna lie, I would read epic fic about Katy and Victoria's tour shenanigans. Plz discuss in comments. Also feel free to weigh in on 1) whether or not Katy's "journal" contains badfic snippets and 2) how Gabe looks in her dress.

Ha! I feel like I used to be so much more academic in my approach to fandom than I am currently. I think it's partly that my relationship to bandom really is very different than my relationship to prior fandoms. I've been working on a post about that for months, so maybe now I'll finally finish it. I've been thinking about my relationship with fandom a lot since I got here because I *am* in a program where I'll have to look at it academically. In large part I'm interested in fandom academically because looking at it that way provides some much needed distance from my otherwise intensely focused engagement with whatever my current fannish source text is. But otoh, that intensity can make academic discussion of it uncomfortable at times. And I still "identify," for want of a better word, more as a genre, sci-fi fan than an rpf fan, regardless of my current primary fandom. Uh, witness my cognitive dissonance? Does that make any sense at all to anyone else? Watch this space for further (most likely incessant) navel-gazing on this topic.

axis of emo, dc, fannish_history, fandom

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