and drop me at my door

Jul 06, 2008 15:26

I got into New Orleans last night and I leave on Wednesday. That isn't anywhere near enough time. I knew I missed it, but I didn't know how much until I was here - and all I've done so far is drink Jameson and (attempt to) marathon The X-Files with songgirl12, hunterandprey and executorvs. And then today I came back to my old apartment to stare in bewilderment at my crap that I still have to cram into my car and/or the trailer that I'm picking up tomorrow. I have too much crap. I want to get rid of everything so I don't have so much to move to DC, but I suck at that because I'm such a packrat. I might want it someday! Who cares if I haven't looked at it in two years!

The apartment I wanted has been rented, which probably means I have to go to DC. I was trying to avoid that, but maybe it's for the best so I can get a feel for things a little earlier. Still, it sort of piles on the stress which wasn't really lacking to begin with.

But I'll worry about that when I get back to Birmingham. Right now I'm going to go wander around Uptown and pretend it's not hurricane season. It's like 95 degrees outside with 90 percent humidity and I don't even care. New Orleans, I MISS YOU.

new orleans, imaybecrazybutistillwanttolivehere

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