(no subject)

Jul 04, 2008 23:40

So I have slight OCD tendencies. It's usually nothing I even notice much until other people point out that I'm weird. It's mostly just little things like I have to have complete sets of things (TV on dvd is one of the best things to happen to me ever. I used to have the complete run of The X-Files, The Lone Gunmen, Harsh Realm and, randomly enough, Ally McBeal on vhs because I taped them off the television. This is the same reason I am actively afraid to even start reading comic books.) or, like, my parents have Fiesta Ware dishes, which means they have about seven different colors of dishes, plates, bowls, silver ware, etc. that are *supposed* to mix and match easily because they're all bright, solid colors and should all work together, but I have to arrange them in color combinations that work for me and, like, someone's fork can't match their plate unless EVERYONE'S fork matches their plate, two people can't have the same color plate unless there are more than seven people or EVERYONE has the same color, etc. I didn't even think about the fact I was rearranging place settings until my mom just looked at me and said "what in the world are you doing?" and I had to think about it and about the fact that I totally do shit like that all the time without it even registering. I'm not a neat freak about most things; I tend to be fairly cluttered and I'm *mostly* pretty spontaneous and bad at planning, actually, so I'm not completely sure what's going on there.

I bring this up only because another time this gets interesting is holidays. There are things you have to do on certain holidays or YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. You see where this is going, right? We went out to this picnic at the house of some friends of my parents. It was awesome, great conversation (even if one of them is more conservative than I know what to do with), lots of beer, barbecue, homemade ice cream. We sat around for hours. Then it started to get dark. And I started to get twitchy. I asked my mom where we were watching fireworks and she looked surprised and said she didn't know. And I'm like, YOU DIDN'T PLAN FOR THIS? Now, we were out in Trussville and couldn't get back downtown to where the big fireworks show was. Which was fine. I didn't need that particular one, I just needed something. So finally everyone decided I was a little bit insane, but their friends were like, well . . . there's one in Trussville . . . and so everyone got in the car and we drove down there to the park and the house of a friend of the friends where there was more food and more wine and more cool people and probably one of the longest fireworks shows I've ever seen. I love fireworks. Mostly because I love bright colors and shiny things. WHATEVER. So it was a good night and my OCD tendencies came in handy. That's all.

I have no profound Fourth of July thoughts. Happy Fourth! I hope those of you celebrating had fun!

my neuroses: let me show you them, birmingham

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