Torchwood: 2.12

Mar 23, 2008 22:59

Ugh, Anne Rice makes fandom wank again. I guess it's been awhile since the last time? Her crazy hurts me. Sometimes I have deep-seated secret worries that I have too much fannish entitlement syndrome when it comes to bandom (and I might, actually, I just try not to air it in public) but then I realize that really, nothing is ever going to compare to the way I feel about the Vampire Chronicles. I'm not even fannish about them in my normal communal-fandom type way; it's way scarier and more personal than that. I acknowledge this. And I acknowledge that IT'S HER ARTISTIC CHOICE TO ONLY WRITE ABOUT JESUS NOW. And I try not to think too hard about everything that Blood Canticle was not. I have never felt so betrayed by a text and I was a die-hard X-Phile.

My Lestat icon is gone. I think I got rid of it to make room for more icons with Pete Wentz in them.

WHATEVER, let's talk about Torchwood.

I have not been making recap posts partly because of bandom-distractions, but mostly because other people have said it better. But, you guys, it has come SO FAR this year. I admit, when this season started I doubted them. I loved Torchwood from the beginning because it was the first show I have ever seen that approached sexuality and sexual orientation with a paradigm that made any kind of intuitive sense to me at all and it wasn't *about* being queer; the characters just were who they were, and for that I was willing to forgive it almost anything. And Jack Harkness owned my heart from the moment he appeared on Dr. Who. That said, though, I mocked it. I mocked because I loved, but I mocked a LOT. ALIENS THAT EAT ORGASMIC ENERGY WILL NEVER NOT BE THE MOST AWESOMELY HILARIOUS THING EVER. I kind of expected TW to continue to be campy and ridiculous with iffy character development and no continuity to speak of.

But this season it has just come together. It still has its flaws and its sloppy moments, but I take back everything I ever said about Ianto or Gwen being boring. I take back most everything I said about Owen. Gwen is adorable. Ianto gets more interesting every episode. (In "Adrift" he knew about the island! WHY? And he told Gwen about it behind Jack's back! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? And I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED seeing the background of how he met Jack. That is so perfect - and makes him even more compelling given what we know of his motivations). I'd been liking Owen a lot more since he died anyway, but nothing gets to me like shattered idealism, so the back story might have won me over even if he hadn't already been growing on me.

And, well, I always loved Jack and Tosh, but it was cool to see how they joined Torchwood too. And next week, more Captain John! Yay, show! You have come such a long way.

axis of emo, fannish_history, torchwood, fangirling_lestat, vampire_chronicles, fannish_promiscuity, recovering x-phile, aliens_that_eat_orgasmic_energy

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