Fandom stuff

Mar 06, 2008 20:51

++ SPN and Friday Night Lights have both been renewed, which everyone knows. I just feel I should register my excitement and relief. Hooray!

++ I have not been near the brutal honesty meme. You know, to be honest (though perhaps not brutally so) there are about four people in my entire life who I want to be brutally honest with me. I want everybody else to understand how much I value tact and discretion and use those things at all times. The idea of a brutal honesty meme fills me with horror. I am just not that hard core. Granted, anonomemes, even love ones, tend to make me really wary no matter what. This is probably because I am overly sensitive to things that strangers say on the internet. Whatever, I never said I wasn't neurotic.

++ So Mindless Self Indulgence is playing House of Blues in May when I will be in Chicago watching adronai graduate. This is not a great tragedy or anything, but I *would* totally go see them because now they fit into the narrative structure of my fannish interests. The hilarious thing about that is how many times sumkindahate tried to get me to go see them when she still lived here and I was just like, "no, your music is frightening" and then I went back to exclusively listening to Broadway showtunes, country and 80's pop. In my defense, one time she made me go see Hate Breed and Six Feet Under and we were in front of the mosh pit and mosh pits are my idea of hell anyway and this was Hate Breed and Six Feet Under and it was TOTALLY FRIGHTENING. It's no wonder she never talked me into a concert again after that.

++ That Buffy Season 8 Comic Spoiler has popped up on my flist several times today and yesterday, but not as much as it once would have. I don't even know what the fandom consensus is since BtVS fandom and I are tragically out of touch. As I have not been reading the comics I have no opinions as to context, so I am fairly neutral. I'm interested in the idea of Buffy sleeping with a girl, but my interest is offset by my deep, abiding bitterness about the fact that the girl she sleeps with is not Faith, so whatever. I need you to keep me updated on these developments, fandom.

++ I have not watched this week's TW yet.

++ Okay, I have to admit that really all I think about fannishly right now with any kind of depth or attention is Cobra Starship and Gabe Saporta and how to adequately convey the complicated awesomness of Gabe Saporta in fic and what a travesty it is that epic Midtown-era Gabe fic does not exist.

axis of emo, hooraythecobra, my neuroses: let me show you them, btvs/ats

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