
Mar 02, 2008 23:48

Happy Birthday to me! Thanks to southernbangel and entrenous88 for the e-cards, and to everyone else for the birthday wishes. I think I thanked everyone in their post, but if not let me know!

I spent most of today hung over because last night I drank two beers and then seven shots of tequila and was epically wasted. I NEVER drink to the point that I throw up. I can probably count the number of times that has happened in my life and it hasn't happened in years. It happened last night. In my PURSE. Disgusting. Luckily, inbetweens was there to take care of my drunk ass last night and to feed me ice cream cake for breakfast when I finally managed to stand up without keeling over sometime around one o'clock this afternoon. I spent most of today recovering and then went for sushi with some friends tonight. I was a little concerned because you know what sounds like bad hangover food? Raw fish. But it was okay; I just stayed away from the wasabi and the sake.

I got a new phone from my mom because the battery wouldn't stay in the old one unless I taped it in and I'd been doing that for about six months. It's nice to have a phone I don't have to tape the battery into. Also, it's an LG Rumor, so it's nice to have the full QWERTY keyboard for texting. I spent a couple of hours playing with this website because despite the fact the phone has an mp3 player in it, you can't use those files as ring tones and it was ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TO MY LIFE that "Guilty Pleasure" be my ring tone. I have made this happen. Victory. \o/

On Friday I got Midtown's last cd, Forget What You Know, and I have been listening to it all weekend. I'm pretty sure that in his Midtown days Gabe could have out-emo'd Pete Wentz. I have seen some discussion of this, but somehow it never really sunk in for me before. I think that in fandom we do not focus enough on Gabe's emo past. I want fic of epic-epicness about his disillusionment and how he got from "I don't wanna fuck you/I don't wanna touch/ I just want to fill you with regret" to "I came here to make you dance tonight/ I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you." Because wow, okay, this album has an instrumental song called "Tragedy of the Human Condition" and I'm not sure what to do with the fact that Gabe Saporta once did that unironically.

axis of emo, stupid decisions:me, hooraythecobra

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