I went in a bookstore today. That only ever ends in me spending obscene anounts if money that I don't have. I now have a copy of the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe, since I had misplaced mine and it was making me sad. Of course, my old copy has all my notes from my 19th century American fiction class in it, so I still wish I'd found that one, but whatever. I also have Andrei Codrescu's New Orleans, Mon Amour, Margaret Atwood's Penelopiad and Christopher Moore's The Stupidest Angel. I justified getting all four because the last one was on sale for $6 (Christopher Moore is ♥) and because I did not buy Lynne Flewelling's Tamir Trilogy. It's not like I have piles of books I haven't read lying around my room or anything. Or, actually, it's exactly like that.
nojah and I went to a bar we had never been to before and restauraunt we had never been to before, which was different and exactly what I needed because sometimes you just need a new setting in which to overanalyze your life.
sumkindahate is married. It was lovely, and I have pictures that I will post if I am ever motivated enough to download them onto my computer. I actually remembered my camera this time; I usually don't. All of the pictures on my digital camera are from, like, a year ago. I still have a bunch of hurricane damage pictures from the first time I came back after the storm, of both my apartment and the city itself. So those are uplifting. I also have pictures of things like Halloween last year, or, more specifically, my jack o'lantern last year, since that was the only Halloweenish thing I really had while stuck in Roswell. This Halloween is going to be so, so much better.
re: last week's television very briefly -
Veronica Mars
I forget how much I love this show sometimes. I don't read a lot of fic or meta for it, so I'm not ever really sure what's going on in the fandom. There are times when the characters do piss me off, but what I love is the way that it lets them fuck up - royally and repeatedly. Oh, Veronica. I like the new format so far and I'm liking the college setting a lot. The rape plot line is more real world, and perhaps even darker for it, since we're (more or less) out of the convoluted and confusing mess that was s2. And of course it will have emotional resonance for Veronica. Veronica and Logan are headed for a break-up, and I'm not even sure I care? Which is too bad because I used to ship them, and to a certain extent I still do, but so little attention and focus is on their relationship. This show has never been good at them together, really, though I did like the making out in the bathroom days.
The Shallow: Veronica used the word "frak" as an expletive (fairly unsarcastically) and she needs to come be my girlfriend RIGHT NOW.
SPN is now dealing with shades!of!gray! Which . . . okay? Because they weren't before? I guess, pieces of this episode just felt heavy handed to me, but I really like how we're seeing different hunters. I liked that when Gordon meets Sam and Dean we're following Gordon in his pov, not theirs, so that when he gets surprised by them they're framed as the danger. I just thought that was cool. As always, the extent of the brotherly love defies words. Loved, loved seeing Amber Benson. Of course, now SPN has its own version of vampires, so how badly is that jossing (kripkeing?) the Faith/Dean crossover stuff for you Faith/Dean crossover people? Maybe it could be fanwanked, but those vampires definitely did not explode. Also with the not being evil, so actually, no probably can't be wanked. I'm sure there'a discussion of this somewhere that I missed.
The Shallow: How does Jensen Ackles get hotter every episode? I don't even understand. IT SHOULD NOT EVEN BE POSSIBLE.
Battlestar Galactica
This show is killing me. That is all. I don't even have deep thoughts, and this is the one I feel like I should really have deep thoughts about, but I watch and just kind of flail. I was much less depressed this week because a) shorter and b) it looks like there's hope of actually getting off New Caprica. Still. The Tighs are still breaking me. This week it was Boomer who really got to me. She is going to hate Roslin and Adama so, so much. I don't totally understand why Three is so important all of a sudden, but I suppose that might be explained. Then again, knowing Ron Moore, maybe not. I'm so in love with this show right now, that I forget how sloppy it can be at times. And next week, two battlestars! I knew Lee wouldn't really leave. *hearts*
The Shallow: Kat/Racetrack, anyone? I know it's out there.