Rec: Supernatural

Sep 27, 2010 21:27

Title: Channel Surfing
Vidder: ash48 and maichan808 
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: gen
Summary: The one in which Sam is Dexter; Dean is foreign and Castiel can't stop sucking his own penis.

image Click to view

I don't know how to successfully verbalise anything about this vid without the comment derailing into onomatopoeic territory. In the end I think it would probably consist of little more than several variations of 'hahahahahaha' followed by some gasping words along the lines of 'it's just... so... good! *gasps breathlessly*. It's either that or a description how I look when absolutely rapt. (Not pretty... there's drool). And yes, it really is just that good.  It's one of those vids that you would show to people outside fandom in order to convince them that yes, fandom is just that awesome. It starts with a clever concept and only manages to go uphill from there. It is slick and well put together, the timing is perfect and the concept is just envy worthy. All in all, it is love. (My favourite bit is Sam and Dean cast in the CSI opening credits. (And I don't even watch CSI!) There's just something about the sun glasses porn that makes me happy.)

And... because ash48 and maichan808 are made of awesome, I can also offer you:

Title: Fun with Real Audio (Advertisement Addition)
Vidder: ash48 and maichan808 
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: gen
Summary: The one in which you wont be able to take your eyes off Sam; Dean's a Real Man (TM) and both Dean and Sam are cast as the Energizer Bunny.

image Click to view

I love this vid. I think the first time I saw it I almost died from laughing, and it hasn't lost any of its appeal. There's that moment when you finally realise that, yes, they are going to use the footage of Sam prancing - and to the audio of the Old Spice ad - at which you realise you have no option but to collapse in a puddle of giggling gloop. Really. No choice.

My advice? Do not eat or drink in any proximity to the vids. Also? Double check no-one can hear you. Otherwise you might have to explain the laughing. At length. 

vidder: maichan808, vid, fandom: supernatural, vidder: ash48, rec

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