Episode Rundown: Supernatural: Season 6 Episode 1

Sep 25, 2010 16:06

Why people should watch the new season of Supernatural. Episode Rundown:


A believable Dean, who was in character nearly the entire way through the episode. Not only did I buy his relationship with Lisa (which believe me I was perfectly prepared to HATE) I also found myself cheering on his explanation of the past year. His description of turning up on Lisa's door a wreck, never giving up on Sam, and becoming slightly alcoholic over the whole issue? That strikes me as being entirely Dean.

As for Lisa: her comment that the past year had been one of the best she'd ever had, her observation that Dean had made a wonderful father for Ben and her obvious acceptance of all the baggage Dean's been carrying around? Wow, I was fully prepared to hate this woman... how did you make me like her?

Sam's return. Ah, yes, Sam's return. I am actually surprisingly satisfied with the way this was done. I mean, I could see Sam - thinking he was doing the right thing by Dean - waiting the entire year to let him know he was back. I could see him rationalising it to himself by convincing himself this was the only way Dean would be happy. The same goes for Bobby.

Sam's comment about wanting Dean alongside. I may be the only one who thinks this but when he pointed out that Dean was the 'heart' in the operation I think he was making a pretty fair assessment. Sam cares about people, there's plenty of evidence to prove that, but there's also plenty of evidence that points to him being more cool-headed than Dean in an emergency. As he said, when people are in danger Dean just leaps in. He stands back and tries to figure the situation out. They balance each other out, and Sam knows it.

Dean offering Sam the keys to Impala. Okay, so my heart stopped a little when Dean held out the keys. The Impala is a part of Dean, so much so that when I thought Sam was going to take it I had a moment where I was sure I was going to have to disown the show. However, Sam knocked it back and I decided I was going to cheer a little instead.


The actual plot - that is to say, there was none. I mean, sure this episode was meant to be a way of diving back into the story, introducing new characters and dealing with baggage left over from last season. However, all this aside I was hoping for a little more than three random djinn. To be honest, Dean was hallucinating a better plot.

Sam. Okay so Sam's return aside, there was a lot to be desired in his characterization this episode. I've never been entirely convinced that the writers know what they're doing with Sam, and this episode pretty much proves all over again that they have no idea what they want him to be.

Which brings me to the Cambells. Right, so. Maybe this will end up well, but I wouldn't bank on it. My teeth were on edge the entire time these guys were on screen - for a few reasons. The first being that Sam would never take a subordinate role amongst a group of hunters. Not even hunters who were family. Not that he would be the leader, just that I think he'd be far more willing to go it alone before taking stupid directions from someone else. Second being Dean and the Cambells. Not only did they treat Dean like an idiot, I was rather annoyed to see that he let them. I get that he was still reeling from just having found out that Sam was alive, and that his grandfather had been pulled from heaven, but nothing - and I mean nothing - should have made it alright for them to act like dicks to him. Really I'm just hoping he and/or Sam pull rank soon, because lets admit it, unless the shows been lying to us for several seasons the things our boys have dealt with are ten times scarier than the usual hunter fare.

And Samuel. Well, lets just say the shows writers need to work pretty damn hard to convince me he was a necessary addition to the plot. I mean, seriously?

And last but not least, the end. I'm not totally unhappy that Dean stayed with Lisa (to be honest, I don't think he could have done anything else and actually have stayed in character), but I think the writer will need to settle on an approach really quickly in order to make things work. Have Sam work with Dean out of Lisa's - or have Dean follow Sam and the Cambells for some reason. Or, better yet, just have the Cambells fall off the face of the earth.

So, all in all, the episode gets 5/5 for Dean, 3/5 for Sam, 0/5 for the Cambells and a surprising 5/5 for Lisa. All up, not at all bad, and better than expected.

My final rating: 4/5

episode rundown, fandom: supernatural

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