Apr 28, 2010 09:45
I'm way behind schedule. I have been speeding up overall production just by virtue of painting similar features over and over again (for example, painting dwarf faces is basically the same over and over, so I learn how to paint them quickly, effectively, and what parts can be effectively ignored). However, I was losing a lot of time in an unnecessary highlighting step. I may also be painting one color more than I really need to create a "table" quality army. I'm just not willing to sacrifice that. Another thing that slows down progress is moving on to a new type of unit since I need to relearn how to apply the colors. For example, I have a pretty good handle on painting dwarf warriors with axes and shields. Axes give me pretty good access (no pun intended) to the arm, weapon, and torsos are easy to paint. Shields completely cover a huge area, so I don't worry about painting that part of the dwarf, and the large surface area is fairly easy to paint. But, painting dwarf handgunners with rifles across their torsos takes a new approach. The colors are basically the same, but the areas that are blocked, and the areas that will be out of sight when on the table are different. I could remove the weapons and paint them separately, but I'm not certain that will be more effective. It's also a technique that I'm not super happy with, since you wind up painting a lot of areas that are not visible, and you often wind up with areas that require touch up painting after everything else has been completed.
I'm trying to focus on painting for effect. Maximize the areas that are/should be visible while tiny models are walking across the table. That means focus on the dramatic areas: beards, shields, banners. I need to keep that in mind when I'm debating that final highlight.
However, I also haven't picked up a brush in almost two and a half weeks. That more than anything has me behind schedule. That means I'm about 26 hours in the hole. I don't feel like I've been just neglecting my project. Most of the conflict has resulted from working late, or going to bed early to compensate for working late. Some of it has resulted from working on other hobbies, or just generally being social which is something I pretty much neglect.
I am considering simply adjusting my schedule to take into account for my lost time, since I'm not sure I want to consider time I reinvested as time lost.