Pirates fic: it takes an ocean not to break; part three

Jul 10, 2011 19:21

Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Length: 259
Status: WIP
Notes: Written for djarum99 for help_japan

it takes an ocean not to break

She leaves the island. She cannot stay, not with memories of Will lingering like restless ghosts. Not with the heart buried shallow in the sand, every beat a condemnation.

You are afraid. Will is dead. You are afraid.

She tosses fitfully in her sleep the night before she leaves, caught in dreams where she can feel the whole island pulse in time with the heart, see Will’s face etched with lines of sorrow at her fear. Elizabeth wakes with a scream choking in her throat, and she cannot leave fast enough.

It is two days’ passage to Shipwreck Cove, and rough seas batter the small dinghy Jack insisted she have. He caught her arm before she left the Pearl, uncharacteristically solemn, and met her eyes for a brief moment, no glint of trickery or charm in them.

‘Never stay in irons unless you have the key.’

She hauls against the oars, numb with exhaustion, and finds she has no energy to wonder how he knew.

Elizabeth steps onto the main dock bone-tired and shaking, and is not surprised to find Teague waiting. He sketches a bow in deference to his King, looking so like Jack that she starts. Nodding in recognition, she does not question why she is the only person who does not know her fate.

Her limbs feel strangely heavy, her ears full of cotton as she moves away from the dinghy. Like father, like son, is her last thought before the world grays out, and she stumbles. Calloused hands catch her, and she sinks into darkness.

it takes an ocean not to break; part four

potc, elizabeth swann, will/elizabeth, #fic, jack/elizabeth

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