Pirates fic: it takes an ocean not to break; part two

Jul 08, 2011 12:42

Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Length: 238
Status: WIP
Notes: Written for djarum99 for help_japan

it takes an ocean not to break
She buries the chest that night, after the ships have sailed away. The tide crashes in against the shore, a noise strangely in time with the beating of Will’s heart. She can feel it pulse though the chest, beats echoing hollowly in its wooden prison.

The sound scares her down to her bones, terrifies her in a way that cursed pirates and krakens and the rage of the sea herself could not. By the time she has clawed out a shallow hole in the sand, hidden away in a cavern at the island base of the cliff, she is numb with badly contained fear.

Her breath comes in sharp gasps, ragged and wheezing. She hates herself for being afraid, but finds she cannot quell the terror. The air stinks of blood and rotted wood, thick and cloying. It makes her gag, and she chokes on the fear welling up inside of her. There is something inherently wrong about the chest, a dark, eerie feeling the makes her skin crawl.

This heart should not be beating. Will should not be alive.

A horrified sob breaks free from her at the thought, and her mind conjures an image of Will lying dead on rain-slicked decks, a blade buried deep in his chest.

Fear and grief war within her, and she is overwhelmed.

She buries the chest and stumbles out the cave, crying. Whether from terror or despair, she cannot say.

it takes an ocean not to break; part three

potc, elizabeth swann, will/elizabeth, #fic, jack/elizabeth

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