Mar 13, 2013 10:17
"Reconciliation is nothing short of a miracle. Reconciliation preserves a relationship that could have just as easily been flung aside. Reconciliation is always a good reason for celebration. It is life-giving.
The first step in reconciliation is letting go of the past. The more we hold on to the way we think things should have been, the less likely we are to see the opportunity emerging for a brand new way. God is always able to offer us a new ending. All we have to do is recognize that the story isn’t over yet, and turn back to the One who loves us unconditionally." from devotional
"When you get to the end of your rope, let go" and let God. -an old saying with an add on.
My family has been trying to sell my mother's house for almost a year now. We have had an offer with counters back and forth and finally an acceptance on our part. The buyer had inspections which generated a fifteen page report (it could have been worse my sister just went through this with her mother-in-laws house and it was much worse - the deal feel through but the next people bought the house knowing what the inspector from the previous buyers had found) and the buyer picked five things that they thought were safety issues and got estimates and want to lower the price by that much. It leaves the price a little bit higher than her original offer, but not much. There are five of us children, I am not sure if all five of us have different ideas of how this should all play out, but I am also not sure if any of us totally agree. We need to come to a concensus on this and time is a problem. I am leaving Friday night to go look at apartments and one of my sisters is leaving early Saturday morning for a vacation in Mexico that they scheduled almost a year ago. Plus the buyer needs to know in, I think, three days although we don't have an offer in writing, so it might be flexible. Me, I think it is a reasonable offer and we should just accept it and move on. Three of the houses around us, the two on either side and one across the street, all have sold in the last year or three. Two went for a lot less than we are going to get and one went for more but if you subtract the money the owner put into it to get that amount it is not that far off from what we are getting.
I guess maybe I am coming from a different place. The money we are going to inherit from this house is a bonus. I had not planned on it. I hadn't counted on it. It was never mine. It was an amount on paper. If it was more seven years ago when my Dad died, and now it is less, so be it. My biggest worry was having enough money to properly take care of my mother while she was alive. I worried about that alot. I think we did pretty well at making sure that she was safe and comfortable and knew she was loved. Her biggest worry, especially near the end, was where was my Dad and when would he come get her. Her biggest worry was that she wasn't happy without my father. Now that they are both gone from this earth their assets come to us, their children, I think they would hate to think that we couldn't see what we are getting as the gift that it is. I think they would hate to hear us not agreeing about how it all flushes out. I know that as kids we often fought and were mean to each other, but I think that our parents always tried to instill in us the importance of family and family connections. It is amazing to me how five people who had the same parents, grew up in the same house, and had pretty much the same benefits could end up so different, but that is how things work. We have all had different influences apart from our family but inside our family we saw things through our own eyes and hearts. We had our own perceptions and the funny thing about perceptions is that it doesn't matter if that is truth or not, it is truth for the person with the perception.
Well, I hope this all works out. I know, for me anyway, putting thoughts into words helps me even if it is no clearer to anyone else, it does help me. Pray for us. TTFN