New Year, New blah blah blah

Jan 05, 2019 18:32

I don't go in for New Year's Resolutions - my annual resolution is to not make any resolutions. But I do usually think of things to stop and/or start doing. I blame my software career and exposure to the Agile process for this. Every new year is like a retrospective - what did I like / not like about last year, and what should I change?

I think I stipulated pretty well in the last post some of the things I liked or didn't like about 2018. Covered, I'd say; noted and dealing with. But something I thought I would change based on my new-found creative energy (and albiet, recently acquired addiction to All Things "Supernatural") - I'm going to do something, anything creative every day. Write, color (can't really draw but I can color like a beast), knit, do origami (a Christmas request for materials fulfilled).. whatevs. One of the things I've worked on since making this decision is helping update a Supernatural Wiki page ( by writing a synopsis of a character's actions/interactions in each episode; currently working on Dean Winchester's page which has been a challenge as he's, well, in EVERY FREAKIN EPISODE. That's kept me busy most days and also allows me to indulge in my addiction - I don't *have* to rewatch the episode to write about what Dean does in that episode, the site has very comprehensive episode summaries - but, ADDICT. But another creative activity I've embarked upon is the wonderful world of... FAN FICTION.

I'm not new to this, actually - I wrote plenty of X-Files fan fic BITD, but that was Oh So Long Ago. The fan base and the internet in general was a little more forgiving back then. Also, my attention span was significantly better. These days, I'm super easily distracted, and even more self-conscious about it - which is kinda hilarious if you knew me; I usually don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about me as long as it doesn't interfere with my paycheck (i.e. I concern myself with what my BOSS thinks but only insomuch as it pertains to me retaining employment). I am FAR more self-critical. But when it comes to fanfic - well, that's a different story altogether.

This actually started last year, shortly after finishing my first complete watch of all 13 seasons of Supernatural in the span of 3 months (Aug to Oct). I just had this BURNING idea of a story that combines my new love with a favorite book series (Dresden Files) and a favorite "historical" piece (The Mists of Avalon). Just in time for NaNoWriMo! I worked on characters, locations, outline of story; all waiting for November 1st to arrive to get this story out of my head so I could sleep again at night without thinking about it or dreaming about it. November 1st was a Saturday and I sat in my office and wrote and wrote and poured a bunch of stuff out of my head. I did this same thing most nights that month - some days I would get 1000 words out, others I would barely get 50. But it felt SO GOOD to get it out of my head finally.

However, I'm an incredibly SLOW writer as it turns out. I have a hard time with the NaNoWriMo motto of "write now, edit later". Also, research and tons of it, I'm a stickler for detail and accuracy. Case in point - I did research on how long it would take my character to drive from her home in San Diego to Lebanon, KS so I would know how long the boys had to do "stuff" before she arrived. So no, I didn't "win" NaNo - but I did write over 18000 words, more than I've done in any previous NaNo. I consider this a victory.

Of course, there's a "but" - the story isn't finished. I'm barely into the second act. I have so many things in the plan to write on it, but I keep stalling. Waiting for the "perfect time" or some such. And also - I both want, and fear, feedback.

During all this, I've been avoiding reading other's fanfic, not wanting to be unduly or unconsciously influenced. Then I stumbled upon a series called "Down To Agincourt" by seperis, which thankfully, while still being Supernatural-based, is a complete departure from the storyline I'm pursuing so cross-contamination is unlikely. But reading this fic has affected me two-fold - it has made me even more desirous to FINISH my story, and also to publish and receive feedback, but also amped up the Fear Factor. And I really have no idea where to begin, but hey, I like research, right? So here goes.

So for now, I have an Archive Of Our Own account, and as soon as I figure out the most graceful and least-likely-to-get-me-ridiculed entry into the fanfic world, I'll post the first bit of the story I have completed - and then hang on for dear life and hope my skin has grown thick enough.

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