analysis paralysis

Sep 06, 2006 16:35

So I've been procrastinating on updating my journal entry until I fininshed analyzing all of my games from the tournament last weekend. I realized the folly in this when I went to club last night anyway and thought how now I have four more games to analyze before I can post them. I'll never get *totally* caught up. Anyway. What I *should* have done is post a brief summary of the tournament (impressions, cool bingos, etc), *then* posted the in depth if I so chose. Whatever. So I ended up going 9-11 in division 2. I suppose I should be pleased with that, seeing as how I was the bottom seed, but I'm not. I lost a lot of close games (ended with a +150ish spread), made a lot of silly errors, and generally feel like I played a rather mediocre game. I lost games that I had to work to lose and won games that I had no right at all to win, so I suppose it evens out, but I don't think I'll ever be fully satisfied.

My ppg average was an unimpressive 371 (opp 365), my bingo average was 1.35 (opp 1.30), and my equity loss average 125 a game (although that was slightly skewed by the one game I lost 300...but still won the game. don't ask). In general the numbers are pretty close to where I've historically been playing, despite playing a tougher field. I take heart in the fact that at least my rating will go up so I can play this kind of field more regularly. I feel that I did better this time at challenging the phonies off the board (although I still let a few critical ones stay). The biggest mistakes in this tournament were missing hooks, forgetting the second (or third) anagram of critical bingos, and not trusting myself to play a word I'm thinking of.

Jump for more details...

Game 1: David Weiss
I think I had just a bit of nerves playing up or something, because I really felt a little off in my first game against David. My play was generally okay, though, except for missing the other back hook for HELL. I was all disappointed because he blocked the S and I couldn't play EiNKORN(S), but if I'd looked, I should have seen that it could hook on the back of HELL just fine. Doh. My bingo for the game was sIERRAN, his bingos were GESTATE(D) and C(A)NISTeR. He led the whole way, and we ended up 317-439.

Game 2: Frank Kashuk
I felt like I had my bearings by game 2, and I struck on the second play with INTE(R)NEE. He had Z(I)TIS for 48, but I replied with EXED for 37. My next play was CAPELIn, and I was surprised when it got a challenge. At this point I had more than twice his score, and I never looked back. The insult to the injury was when I challenged off his SCAVA(N)Ge* late in the game, then played REMA(N)NED in the same exact spot. He never did get the bingo down; final score was 437-239.

Game 3: Nigel Peltier
Still smarting from my horrible loss to Nigel the previous Thursday, I was excited to play him again. We were pretty neck-and-neck until I opened up a hook for his double-double PUTTERS. I played LIONESS a few turns later, but was still down by 50 and drew AEEOUU? after the bingo. I played EAU, then drew AEU, then played EAU again in frustration (Quackle said I should have exchanged both times). His 50 point K play blocked by spot, but if he hadn't played there I would have played kOUPREY. That would have been sweet. It came down to late in the game, and I'd drawn the second blank. I'm down by 80, but I had nice openings on both the top and the bottom of the board. My rack was EPRTW??, and he held ADGHIRT. All he needed to do was play off tiles for a few points and the game was his. Instead, he decides to play HATRID*. I challenge it off, get my bingo for 81, and win with the 24 points off his rack. I shouldn't have won, but I'll take it. Final score 386-361.

Game 4: Najat Reikes
I felt like I was in control of this game every step of the way. I played VENtURI on my second play, dangling onto the bottom triple line, but she looked like she didn't know the word. I drew an S and hooked it with SHOWY for 50 points on the next play, and she challenged the plural. After the free turn, I played QUART, then drew the Z. The tragedy is, I totally didn't see the back hook. I could have played BAZO(O), hooking (QUART)Z, with the Z double letter for 60 some points. Youch. Other than that total boneheadedness, I played okay for most of the game. I drew the other blank and played INTENsE, but she never got a bingo down. Final score 409-306.

Game 5: Norbert Saldanha
This was an ugly, ugly game. I started clunky, then got clunkier. On the fourth play, I held a rack of GLNTUU?, and played U(N)GULaNT* for 59 points. He held, but let it stay on the board. I was still Q's and V's for a while, then found myself with AEILNTT. I played ENTITL(E) for 8 points instead of grooming the bingo rack. I still don't know why I did that. Down the stretch, I had AEMNORS on my rack. I'm like...ENAMORS, OARSMEN...won't play. Dang it. If only I'd remembered the third anagram, though, it would have played just fine. Doh. I had a healthy lead anyway, played it through okay, and he went over on time at the end, but I still probably shouldn't have won this game, either. Final score 366-280.

Game 6: Camela Hicks Alexander
I was feeling pretty good coming into my game against Camela. We opened fairly tight, then were back and forth for a while. I challenged off her phony bingo, then should have played YEAS(T)IER in the same spot, but missed it. My 50 point X play helped, but the tight board didn't really allow either of us to do anything too dramatic. The clunk was pulling me down again, when I drew O?? to go with my AEVZ rack. I put down ZOuAVEs for 95 on the next play. That was pretty much it. We played it out and the score ended up 422-272.

Game 7: Alan Meyer
And so my streak ended, or, rather, my other streak began. I play Alan pretty regularly at club, so I don't know if I let that get to me at all. He bingos with WASTiNG on the fourth turn, and I find myself down by 50 and losing ground. I pull back close with a 39 point Z play, but I missed the 56 point Z play that would have given me the lead and a better leave. I played the endgame okay, but if I'd done it a little differently I might have found a bingo (assuming he didn't block it...a big assumption). We played it out and ended up 321-337.

Game 8: Allan Simon
The game started innocuously enough: him QI 8G, me ZORI 9D, him KIVA 7H, me (D)OJO E8. Then he goes off with RODSMAN L4, and I reply with a sub-optimal REEA(R)NEd 4H. He then kept going with VELOURS 6B, but I just ran out of steam. He continued to pull ahead steadily, although I could have made it a lot closer if I'd seen (H)ISTOGEN with only one tile left in the bag. I played off the O and drew an A, but my (H)EATINGS* is definitely going to get challenged, as an out play. He played somewhere else, so I got to play GA(H)NITES, but it didn't get to the triple word, so it was a lot less points. It ended up 343-421.

Game 9: Mark Gooley
I was pretty excited to come back and play on the second day after going 5-3 on the first day. Things started okay with Mark as I bingoed on the second turn with MUReINS. And he challenged. I played CUTIE, then COOTIE, both pretty good plays given my racks, but he was right back in it with IODISED. We were neck and neck, then he played BAL(M)IEST. Dang it. I found (G)AIJIN with a rack of AAIIJNN, and had AAEENR? on the next turn. If I'd found my bingo of A(N)NEAlER, things might have turned out differently, but instead I played EA(S)E and didn't draw another vowel for four more turns. He blocked my PRoV(E)NLY that I could have had on the second to last play, and I ended up down 386-454. Grrr.

Game 10: Vail Palmer
Next up was Vail. He plays TENSEST after my opening play of FLUTE. I keep getting clunk, but finally get down ORRICES. I should have played CIRROSE because ORRICES opened him up for a triple-triple IN(S)ANEsT. I putz around for a few more turns with no vowels, then finally get down RATIONS to pull within 40. He immediately replies with HAsTIER. So much for my comeback. I play off LODE, keeping EGU, and draw my last four tiles: HOUU. Despite that, I still managed to make the best plays with the crap I had and go out first. Final score 398-488.

Game 11: Siri Tillekeratne
I was rather looking forward to my first game with the affable Canadian that I'd seen around plenty before. Despite knowing his tendency to play phonies, I still didn't challenge his UNC(R)uSTS*. I was looking at it and saw that he could have played eNC(R)USTS or iNC(R)USTS, so I let it go. Turns out that he just spaced it; I should have taken my free turn. My tiles were generally lackluster, and my playing wasn't much better. I didn't miss any bingos, but I could have done better on plenty of other plays. I ended up down 269-358.

Game 12: Jesse Wornum
I like Jesse a lot. I play him at club pretty regularly and roomed with him at the NSC last year, but I'd never played him in a tournament before. Even with that, I still layed down the phony reply KHIF* from my rack of FHIIKST after his opening of OBEY. I was pretty sure he'd let it go, and sure enough, he did. Then he bingoed with DALLIES. I'm steadily losing ground, and despite making decent plays (1-5 points of equity loss), I can't seem to balance and get the bingo rack. I finally get there when he plays EQUAL, dangling to the triple row, but I didn't know the word STASIMA. I played AIMS instead. Later on, he played (K)EN, and I hooked with GAUNT to make KENT. Then I play NEE to make KENTE. I'm now down by 121, and I finally draw to a rack of IOORST?. I play my SOOTIeR for 68, hooking KENTES (really getting my mileage out of his KEN!). He replies with a 15 point play, and I play EXPoS for 65 in the bottom right corner. With his rack of EINOPSU, he could play OPINES in the top right corner for 30 and put the game away, but he plays OPS elsewhere for 17. I play for 13 and out, plus the 8 points off his rack, and win 365-362. It held up on the recount. Sorry, Jesse!

Game 13: Ruth Hamilton
Ruth is the director of the local club I usually go to, but it was my first time playing her in tournament setting, too. She goes up a bingo on her third play with sAPiENT, and I'm playing catch-up again. I make a series of decent plays, but I'm still down by 90 before I find GAR(D)ENIA. She's still up by 50 when I miss LOGI(C)ISE. I got 30 for SIGIL elsewhere. She passes, and I have a few building plays before it comes down to endgame. With ADEEGINSUU unseen, I don't trust my play of CALORI(C)S enough to lay it down. Instead, I play OILCA(N) for 32, putting me up by 15. She lays down SEDU(C)ING in the same spot, though, and I lose by 350-408. Dang it.

Game 14: Carlynn Mayer
Carlynn was leading the division at this point, and I'm well out of contention, but I wanted to put a dent in her, if I could. She bingos on the third play, too, with rOUTINE. I did challenge off the GLITCH(E)D* she tried on the next play, but I'm still floundering with clunky tiles that I can't seem to shake. I make more decent plays, and a few not-so-decent ones, but I am all consonants down the stretch. She lays down EqUATES, and I have my opening for STRAND(E)D to put my down by only 5. I should have played ST(A)NDARD in a better position, though, because she gets KOI for 36 and I find AAIINRR on my rack. I'm playing off the 1 pointers and drawing more while she is scoring with BCHJ. I was able to play out and stick her with EFV, but it was nowhere near enough. Final score 339-375.

Game 15: Karen Merrill
Karen is another local club regular, so I know that she can be pretty tough. She played bIGHEAD on her second play, but I was able to reply with TOURNEY. I didn't have an immediate answer to her BlASTED three turns later, though. I had the tiles for VERB(AL)ISM at one point, if I'd seen it. I did get STALLIN(G) down, and pulled within 15, but she got the high pointers in the end game again and played it well. My efforts weren't quite enough and we ended up 380-418.

Game 16: Phyllis Koselke
I was feeling pretty beat down at the end of the second day as I sat down to play Phyllis. I challenged off her FADdIES* on the second play, then wished she would have played FADEInS or something instead because it would have given me AVERT(I)NG. She played FArSIDE, though, and the I was all blocked up. I challenged off her PENT(I)NG* a few turns later, too. I made a number of best plays, but the board got shut down pretty tight. It was opening a bit at the end, but I missed my chance to play PLEuRON. Then, wonder of wonders, she slapped down ZINE right next to a triple row and I was able to play out with LEaNERS for 84. The final score came to 422-297.

Game 17: Jeannie Wilson
A new day started, but I went back to my losing ways. I started sloppy, sloppy, sloppy against Jeannie. I missed plenty of plays, and didn't have a single best play until over halfway through the game. She played her (G)RAsSIER pretty late in the game, but she already had a sizeable lead. I finally bingoed with WANIESt, hooking (SEWING)S, and got the challenge out of it. It was far too little, far too late, though. We ended up 325-353.

Game 18: Betty Cornelison
I've probably played Betty in club more than anyone else I faced this tournament. We have a pretty mixed record, and the games can really go either way. She struck first with CuRLERS, but I was able to reply with VAULTe(R)S. I was sad, though, because I really wanted to play VALUTaS, and if I had just remembered that GLOW takes a front hook, I could have. Dang it!! We were back and forth before I started building a lead on a few 40 point plays. Going into the end game, I was up by 60 points when she layed down TWITTER in the spot I was going to play my SAURIAN to pretty much tie the game. I sat and stared at the board for a while at this point. She had DENOVY on her rack. I couldn't see where to hook SAURIAN or ANURIAS on TWITTER, but here is where my not seeing the third anagram cost me the game again. As it turns out, I could have hooked ANURIAS onto (TI)N elsewhere, too, but I just wasn't even looking there. Instead, I ended up played NAIRU to block most of her scoring opportunities. She spent a while staring at the board before finding a magnificent place to play DOYEN, hooking D(IT), (NO)O, and (JOE)Y, for 43 points. It was the only play that would have won it for her. I played out and got her V, but it still ended up 395-406. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Game 19: Helaine Garren
I didn't have much left to lose at this point, but it always helps when your opening rack is DEINSTY and she exchanges 6 to start. I played DENSITY, drew a blank and played a 30 point balancing play, then played sOLATIA. I had four more best possible plays in a row, making 7 in all since the game began. I mad a couple of sub-optimal plays before making my biggest mistake of the game in missing the bingo in EEFLNOS. I now know not to miss the bingo in FELONS+E. I played FELON instead, and she bingoed with rATTIER to pull within 20. I played GYVE to balance, then made the play of the game by finding CIRES for 31 while leaving two out plays for my GT. She had CEHIJNP, and the best she could do was play off PINCH and eat the J. It ended up 399-354.

Game 20: Keith Valentine
Keith was another stinging loss from my club night on Thursday. Things didn't start so well when he played bASE(B)ALL on his second play, then I missed a 50 point overlap Z play, instead opting for the 30 point Z play that left the board much more open. I started making some good plays, though, and got my break when he played TEGMINA, leaving the back hook open to the triple row. I played OIlSEED there for a few points and took the lead. It was neck and neck down the stretch again, then I drew into EINPSSU in the very late game. I played SUPINES/(OILSEED)S, but I would have done better to put the anagram of it elsewhere. He didn't get enough points on the comeback, though, and I was able to dump the J I drew while eating the other dreck with it and still win the game with a final score 406-360.

scrabble, portland, tournament

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