The first 2 weeks at work has been pretty good. It's been insanely busy, tons to do and everyone wanting their work NOW and often in unreasonable time frames. But it's work I know how to do for the most part. I work closely with 3 other people (one has been helping with this work). It's been pretty full on and stressful, but at the same time it's a different kind of stress from the role I've been in for about 14 months before this.
The team leader is glad to have me, she's said it a couple times in the past 2 weeks (and she was on jury duty for the first week!). She asked me today (when we were in OT) if I wanted to go back to my old role and I told her nope!
I'm waiting for lightening to strike, for things to go bad quickly. It's not my ideal job but I'm not miserable any more. I dare say I'm almost happy; as happy as you can be doing a job you don't feel fits you.
So yea, that's good.
The owners came over, hard to get a feeling on what they wanted for sure but they did mention they hadn't seen the unit before. I think it went pretty well. They did ask if there was anything we'd want them to do here, we just mentioned the linoleum if they were going to do anything. So, not sure but I guess time will tell.
I finished another Viking Knit piece but haven't taken pictures yet. I had started one with purple 22g wire originally for
kriski but she's interested in the double knit so I'm working on that for her. I've got another piece started, it will be a necklace but will be one that I use 2 colours on --- silver then a smaller bit of bright blue, then more silver.
I'm also experimenting with making something out of some used guitar strings I picked up from Sam RB. There's more to deal with & it's a bit harder because of the nature of guitar strings vs regular wire. But I'm working on it. I think I'll need at least 2 sets of 6-strings for each piece (not sure yet if it will be enough for necklace length or not). I've got 2 sets from Sam so I can play with that, just working through a technical difficulty at the moment. If I do get it done I'll post picts and more info.
I made persimmon cookies last night, they went over a treat at work yesterday! Autumn is well underway and starting into winter.
I'm tired, cats are all snoring. It's chilly and I think I'll finish a couple things off here and go to bed!
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