Pink Five

Apr 28, 2006 20:42

I'm not sure if any of you have heard of Pink Five. Pink Five is a fan film or films based in the Star Wars world. They were made for the fan films competition for Star Wars. Anyway, I love the Pink Five films. And if you haven't seen them..well you should. They are set in the origional trilogy and are very funny to me.

You can watch them here:

Pink Five (A New Hope)

Pink Five Strikes Back

Return of Pink Five part 1

And one other Stargate SG-1 item, a video clip from CTV(Canada) on the set of SG-1 during the 200th episode. With yummy Jack O'neill goodiness and even a little to thrill the Jack/Sam shipper in me.

Well, that's all from me tonight. Hopefully tomorrow, Travis and I will head to the bookstore to get some more manga. :) And then we are spending the rest of the weekend cleaning the playroom, and moving his bed and desk into it. Jacob won't leave him alone at all to go to bed, and it's effecting him at school.

Not sure if anyone else on here is a fan of HBO's Rome, but they are getting ready to start shooting season two for a 2007 airing date. Seems so far away! But if you haven't seen the show, I fully recommend it. It's full of history, character driven stories oh and sex. LOL

pink five, star wars, personal, sg1, stargate

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