Hey, partner...This thing, got any bite to it? AC Rocks!

Apr 25, 2006 20:58

Today started out horrid for me. I forgot to charge my cell phone, set my alarm and woke up an hour late. Then the toilet was clogged and it seemed every idiot in the world was on the road in front of and bound and determined to keep me from my destination.

I got to work, checked my e-mail and found that my Final Fantasy VII : Advent Children DVD had been shipped at 445 am. Now of course I knew it would ship today..but it gets better. It showed it as out for delivery. I got excited and giddy just thinking that it would actually be here today, when amazon had it listed as tomorrow. Soon after I checked again..and it had been delivered. Now all I had to do was work seven more hours, fight traffic and it would be within my touch.

Also while complete said check of my e-mail, I found out that YesAsia had shipped my Faith CD/DVD of Hyde's that officially released in Japan on 04/26/2006. (But it ships a day early here since we are behind in the time.) teehee! So that baby will join me within the next week.

My day was getting even better and better. And then the systems went down..was just perfect.

Then the best news of the day occurred around lunch time. Straight from www.tofurecords.com official staff, Hyde may have additional concerts within the US. My heart raced as I thought I might actually get a chance to see him live since I could never afford to go to California. If he came within a a couple states of where I live..I'd be there in an instant.

So everyone, since my hopes and dreams are normally dashed, I ask that you do what ever it is you do so I can go see Hyde. *giggles*

When I got home, I checked my email(home one) and found out I did win a Ebay auction for the May Pati Pati issue with Hyde in it. You know the images I posted last week..that's the issue. *heart flutters* Now I can put my hands on Hyde.

Now..on to Advent Children:

I'd seen it already dozens of times, but dear me, the quality of the DVD is SO much better then the .avi one I've seen. It wasn't as dark appearing, so I could see what happens. Stuff that I'd totally missed before, popped off the screen at me. It was just awesome to watch and experience again, but also like seeing it for the first time.

The voice actors..I thought at first..I won't like them. I need my japanese Cloud and Kadaj and Vincent. But they grew on me. Cloud's english VA(voice actor) is almost as sexy as the japanese VA. Kadaj at first irritated me..but after more of him, I realized he really fit the character. Vincent..dark and deep sounding..nice. Yazoo and Loz, not so much..but they don't have tons of lines anyway. Tifa, it worked well with that VA. Aeris..I still think the girl sounds dead when she talks. But of all of the VA's, the one that I think they totally nailed it in capturing the soul of the character was Reno. It was just as I'd always imagined him to be in english. The translations of the lines..had me laughing and smiling. It's made me love Reno all over again. I've even decided to make a I *heart* Reno T-shirt.

As to the DVD extras, I've only watched one part on the first disk. IF you have never played the game or read about the story of FFVII, then you should first watch "Reminiscence of "Final Fantasy VII" featurette. It is a story digest of the original game. It shows the FMV's(Full Motion Video) from the game and gives you an idea of the story itself. It's interspersed with clips of Cloud answering his phone and speaking to Barett, Vincent and one other character(that I can't remember now) that occurs after the movie(but doesn't spoil it at all). The clips shown are from the Japanese game, and have english subtitles. The Cloud phone clips are also in Japanese, so if you don't watch it in Japanese(which you really should) then you'll get an idea of the japanese voice actors and the awesome Takahiro Sakurai that is like the SEX of VA.

Well, there's my synopsis without being spoilery to you that haven't seen it. I hope for those that are going to get it or rent it that you'll tell me what you think of it. Because this is one of my biggest fandoms ever. And is a VERY big part of me.

I'm thinking this weekend will be more AC icons as I attempt to cap some of the movie.

So now I'm off to get my charged batteries for my mp3 player(can't go w/o Hyde at work..nope..no way at all). And check and try to reply to your journal postings..and then it's off to dream land with Cloud and Reno.

*hugs and glomps flist*

ETA: Check out these cosplayers for AC: OMG! Those costumes looks so good! I am in awe and jealous..*thinks again of moving to Japan*

http://rain.mods.jp/photo/eve/20060108/top.htm (was posted on adventchildren_.)

hyde, personal, final fantasy, advent children

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